"What it means to be Soomaali "

What it is to be a Soomaali

…(a poem of wat it means to be somali, composed at the time of extreme hardship and colonialism the somali people were under)

In the these traveling times In these relentless days, if you have been truly alive, reflect on past times, trace back the lines, ask yourself: Who is Somali? No-one who breathes oppresses me. Because I believe in equality no-one is placed above me. When you come to visit me see no half-hearted hospitality. I AM SOMALI To those of you who say you care whilst threatening me with chains, you’re like a vessel full of holes, your two-faced treachery leaking away. Attempts to betray me will never hold sway. I AM SOMALI Although I have nothing, my head is high, I do not beg, I am rich inside with self-respect, dignity and pride. If you’re my foe, I’ll never be subdued, if you’re my friend, my whole heart is for you. I AM SOMALI The way ahead is hard, but clear. My journey will be grievous though my borders are well-known. My sword brings danger and misery, my soul already hangs on the tree. I AM SOMALI The man who can harm me barely exists, but if he comes close, he’ll find I resist. Should victory be mine, I will not oppress, any wronged man will regain his rights, and even my enemies treated justly. I AM SOMALI I dread war, always search for peace, but from enemies I will not flinch, if they get too close, I’ll defend myself, won’t turn my face from hostility, no coward am I – I AM SOMALI Swift as the wind yet not a man of impulse, toxic as venom yet swathed in patience, I seek to bring goodness wherever it’s needed. I AM SOMALI To the man who will not consider my view, I won’t be forced to comply with you, joining with others all over the world, I’ll shake off the chains of my oppressors, servant to no-one, unburdened, free. I AM SOMALI Though you have far more wealth than me, don’t come with patronising charity, your false praise I do not crave, I do not sleep, I’m wide awake, your hollow promises cannot persuade. I AM SOMALI While I grazed my cattle, you came to divide, like livestock you scattered me far and wide, but my branding you can never hide; my task now – to do what’s right, my duty is clear – to reunite. I AM SOMALI.

~Cabdiqaadir Xirsi Siyaad


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