What makes central Somalia so conflict prone ?

If you look at most of the conflicts that have happened in the country this year the main conflict zone seems to be central Somalia mudug/galgadud what are some of the main factors as to why this region seems to be more volatile then others
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A lot of different clans live in those regions so that could be the case. How about aswj have they disbanded? I remember farmaajo fighting them. I think it's the different clans to be honest you got dir, daarood, and hawiye living their.
No other solution other than putting fear in the enemies heart. It’s been almost 10 years since there was a fight between Cumar maxamud and Sacad despite CM controlling towns that previously belonged to Sacad. Goldogob and Cabudwaaq will have to go on the offense sometimes or give up their land.
A lot of different clans live in those regions so that could be the case. How about aswj have they disbanded? I remember farmaajo fighting them. I think it's the different clans to be honest you got dir, daarood, and hawiye living their.
Good point lots of different clans with different interests in the area
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1. Government armed clans to fight AS which caused a cascade as everyone is using their new arms to settle grudges

2. Reer Mudug are not easy

