What really grinds my gears

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When you have a password you use very often like your email password and you have many other accounts (news websites, banking, TV/internet, mobile phone, apps) but you can't use the same email password because those other accounts have different password requirements (i.e. upper case, no upper case, !*+&%, no !*+&%, no common words, numbers)

I have like 10 other accounts and 3-4 different passwords and I always forget half of my account passwords.

It's frustrating.

There should only be one standard for all account passwords or have no standard at all.


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Really annoys me when a close friend wants my password for something e.g access to class pc's if I'm not in class but that same password is what I use for Fb, Gmail etc I get a little paranoid they might hack even though they probably wouldn't


I use a mnemonics system as a password. Different passwords for all websites, but if you crack the pattern you have access to all my accounts :lol:


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I use a two worded password which I switch around and add numbers or capitals here and there.
Once I had like 10 mins to submit an assignment online, forgot my password. Had to Usain Bolt around the campus to hand it in physically.
There should only be one standard for all account passwords or have no standard at all.



some platforms you can sync in with ur gmail or fb to enter tho. so that helps sometimes
That irritates me as well. What I would do is just link all your accounts to one email address so you can secure all accounts in case you forget one password.
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