What we are and aren’t allowed, UN embargo 2022



B, we are allowed. Just have to provide notification but no ability for UN to object.

A, we are allowed subject to no objection.

Think it covers all equipment. Hopefully we see more A on the B list this year. Was relaxed in Nov22, will be relaxed again this year. And next year should we take over security fully lifted


@bidenkulaha u fuckin Huto Habar gedir. It doesn't mattere if u a have million man iraqi army like your 66000 amisom and somali troops when PSF is like Mossad(3 terror attacks in 20 years since 2003) plus they hide in mountains not in any land it''s clear shabab fears them more then amisom/south somali soldiers plus PSF they patrol deep in GM hobyo/harardheere.

What will any weapon escalation change, it will just fall into shabab hand or they will escalate by seeking black market partners. U fuckin xoolo and even if u beat then conventionally, they can still resort to insurgency.

I hate u so much you hags becuz of how brain dead u r. @Tropical Breeze
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America, I believe, have even looser restrictions for themselves only
For sure, America made sure they can bring whatever they want without notification for Danab.

It’s rumoured America, Turkey, Egypt, China will have this privilege end of the year.


@Tropical Breeze @mohamedismail please dadkan hawiye dalka ha laga gabto, their 20 years behind PL in every area. He thinks a weapon escalation will give him an edge on shabab, but shabab will just upgrade thru new black market partners to match the weapons escalation and even if they dont and accept defeat conventionally they will switch to insurgency
For sure, America made sure they can bring whatever they want without notification for Danab.

It’s rumoured America, Turkey, Egypt, China will have this privilege end of the year.
Turkey violate it frequently too. Tbh arms embargo is not that deep as long as we play our tiny vassal state part but it being fully removed in this term would be welcomed.


The weapons isn't the issue in the war on shabab only issue is the 'brains' aspect and testing strategies to ensure it doesn't lead to them just switching to insurgency or god forbid tap into the iranian gear in yemen black market to match the SFG weapons.


Turkey violate it frequently too. Tbh arms embargo is not that deep as long as we play our tiny vassal state part but it being fully removed in this term would be welcomed.
Turkey I think violated it, got told off by the UN. Then started following this progress (needing no-objection to allow Somalia Bayraktar’s). It’s likely why Turkish airstrike support stopped for the past few months. But they’re now back.

I was listening to National Security Advisor Xuseen Macalin and he basically said we can get access to most things but international military companies are afraid to do business with us because they are worried they might break the UN embargo. It slows the process a lot. Would be helpful to get rid of it in that sense. Also the objection clause means we are reliant on the US all the time.

The important thing is to have chapter 7 lifted. That’s when we truly regain sovereignty.



This is where I grabbed it from. Anyone who’s interested in reading it. 17th Nov 2022 UN arms embargo. Resolution 2662

The A and B list is 3rd from last and 2nd last pages of the UNSC report.



This is where I grabbed it from. Anyone who’s interested in reading it. 17th Nov 2022 UN arms embargo. Resolution 2662

The A and B list is 3rd from last and 2nd last pages of the UNSC report.

I don't care about the internal process which ur digging out and adding ur voodoo commentary, i want the final judgement and the final judgement is the sanctions still applied. I don't care for your supposed voodoo views of the inner workings
We can thank the HG midgaan clan in the first place for the embargo they used the Somali National Army to burn the pearl of the Indian Ocean down to the ground


@LasanoodBoy nimanku wa moryan even in academics like haji ali engris and as u see with @bidenkulaha dodging every of my post, his adding his voodoo commentary on the internal workings by cutting n pasting what suits his narrative but ignoring the 'final judgement' which is sanction is still applied.

That's what their leaders do in all their spreadsheets, beware, it's hagacademics. Anyone can cut n paste parts of the security council and add their voodoo commentary, like wat sort of fkn hag brain is that? everything in the SFG and it's reports is the same method like @The Midlands tries to do.


@bidenkulaha this is the U.N site where ur security council report is from. The sanction is still applied.

Security Council Renews Sanctions Regime on Somalia, Mandate for Panel of Experts, Adopting Resolution 2662 (2022) by 11 Votes in Favour, 4 Abstentions​

Why are u cutting n pasting the internal voting posture of nations and then adding your voodoo commentary, that's absolute academic bililiqo. U don't have any fact of the internal working but 'hearsay'


@LasanoodBoy hawiye ma tanasulo no matter how much evidence u show them. War somali dhan ayaa ka cararay hamar to create new flags and states. SW/JL/PL/SL/GM/HS/SSC all because of hawiyenimo and @bidenkulaha. All somalis want to distiguish themselves from mogadishu


@Ozark Im sick of the bililiqo culture of Hag who have now exported it to mislead and be fradulent. They Cut n paste parts they want in security council report, then add moryan commentary hear-say(ku tiri ku teen) and then create a thread. Hear-say ama ku tiri ku teen isn't evidence, they should never travel down that path without humiliating their clan. The final verdict of the report is sanction is up-held, they chose to keep that part out thru moryanism.