What would Somalia look like today if the 1969 coup never happend

What would Somalia look like if the 1969 coup never happend do you think we’d be in a better or worse place today everybody feel free to share your opinion/viewpoint
I am lucky enough to have parents who were old enough to vote and were adults in the 1960s civilian governments. They told me it was like living in a hell... every time there was a election the clans will beat the crap out of each other. Almost civil war level shit. The civilian governments were very corrupt and incompetent. No progress at all. They were despite by the Somali people. One positive thing about that era was the free Speech.
Everybody will be biased but here is the unbiased truth. Everybody I talked to former kacaan officials, soldiers, civilian workers, officials, pre independence officials all told me the civil war would have happened regardless of the coup in 1969 it’s just that Siad barre delayed it. The government was corrupt, clan conflicts, no justice. If our civil war happened earlier I think we would have recovered.


Everybody will be biased but here is the unbiased truth. Everybody I talked to former kacaan officials, soldiers, civilian workers, officials, pre independence officials all told me the civil war would have happened regardless of the coup in 1969 it’s just that Siad barre delayed it. The government was corrupt, clan conflicts, no justice. If our civil war happened earlier I think we would have recovered.
It’s been 30 years since the civil war and the country is still shit

i feel like If the 1969 coup never happened and there was a civil war, it wouldn’t have been as bad and we would have recovered ages ago from now
Everybody will be biased but here is the unbiased truth. Everybody I talked to former kacaan officials, soldiers, civilian workers, officials, pre independence officials all told me the civil war would have happened regardless of the coup in 1969 it’s just that Siad barre delayed it. The government was corrupt, clan conflicts, no justice. If our civil war happened earlier I think we would have recovered.
Yeah I heard from a lot of older people how corrupt the earlier governments were

I believe the civil war happend at the worst possible time it coincided with the era that most African countries went through there strongest periods of development
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El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
The potential civil war would have drastically smaller casualties, Im talking about a death count 10x smaller. Kacaan gave weapons of mass destruction to people who have been massacring each other for millennia.

We would have either triumphed or sanked to the bottom due to corruption.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
At the end of the day everything is qadr Allah. That coup was meant happen at the end of the day.

But I think it would have been better to continue with the democratic way instead of dictatorship. As much as Somalis believe dictatorship is better I think the civil war would not have been as long and as bad if there was no dictatorship.