Whats up y'all

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Hardcore lurker coming out. Im kinda new to this thing so forgive me for any technicalities:tacky:
Btw whats the optimum size font yall use? Let me know. But I digest.

So yeah, i found this place on a reddit link and been visiting to read up on yall shenanigans ever since. You guys are fucking hilarious. Ive come to know and like some of you. Like nucleus and AJ( thats right i put yall in the same sentence). Finally had the balls to make an account and interact with you guys with the limited english i know. Sooo accept me maybe? kthnxbye


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
I was the one who spammed Reddit. You owe your laughter to me so edit your post and include my @ :stressed:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
All my questions are political in nature.

What is your position on federalism in Somalia? What do you think about Puntland? Do you support Somaliland's quest for international recognition?
Oh boy. I dont really know my qabiil. My dad is a puntite and my mothers djibouti. Thats about it lol
I just turned 20 this August. Scary shit dawg
Religion: Doubting phase, But muslim for now
This is the first somali forum ive been a part of, and it feels so great! :dance::dance::dance:
All my questions are political in nature.

What is your position on federalism in Somalia? What do you think about Puntland? Do you support Somaliland's quest for international recognition?
I was hoping for more light hearted kinda questions. But ill get back to you on those things when i can put a thought together in the morning
"Doubting phase, but Muslim for now"?

Let me save you the trouble, the very second you doubt Islam you've left it. Enjoy your stay here on SSPot, there are plenty of your kind.
"Doubting phase, but Muslim for now"?

Let me save you the trouble, the very second you doubt Islam you've left it. Enjoy your stay here on SSPot, there are plenty of your kind.
We all have doubts. Doubting is natural i think. It is true that we come out of our doubts with more stronger convictions than before. So lets see where it goes
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