What's with the new rules?

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"When in doubt, use the spoiler button or contact one of the moderators for clarification. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse and the posting of questionable content without consulting a member of the staff is done at your own risk."

:tuckerwtf: Somebody come take look at this, come and take a look this.

In the beginning I honestly felt so proud of this community, somalispot was total freedom. Now it looks like it's being run by megalomaniac. Welcome to somalispot where if you remotely act like a male you'll get banned.

:sheed: Loooooooooooool

Duchess is obsessed with power and will soon be coming for your spot @administrator

I might be annoying but I genuinely care about you, you saved me from the opps (somnet). I dont want you to be a victim and lose your community Somalispot.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
The rules are not new, they're more detailed.

What you quoted isn't a rule but part of the description of what does and doesn't constitute NSFW. At least quote it in its proper context. :stopit:

What is NSFW?

Any content which a reasonable user may not want to be seen accessing in a public or setting. Approved NSFW content must be posted in its designated section.

All content posted on SomaliSpot is subject to the NSFW rule including avatars, signatures, and the Anonymous forum.

When in doubt, use the spoiler button or contact one of the moderators for clarification. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse and the posting of questionable content without consulting a member of the staff is done at your own risk.

'I didn't know this was not allowed' will not be an acceptable excuse. If you're unsure, use the spoiler button or ask @AbdiJohnson or I. How is that too much to ask? Y'all just like complaining about any ol' thing.

Honestly, none of these rules would be necessary if you guys would conduct yourselves like adults but you've been trolling and testing the boundaries of this site since day one. It's because of characters like you that guidelines need to be laid out. I'm the SS scapegoat even though you're a big part of the problem?:mjlol:

Your move. :umad:
@Gambit it's not about , it's about information and the right to disseminate it. The NSFW section used to be thriving even though I rarely participated. If you look through the old threads, it wasn't some competition to see who could be the most shocking or offensive.

It's about the principle. You know they sell mags in grocery stores right? All they have to do is hide the covers from plain sight, kind of like logging in to SSpot to see the NSFW section.

It's about freedoms. Why has this freedom been taken from us without even so much as a vote? Why does @Duchess claim banning nudity/ is the majority position when that was never the case? The majority opinion was against qarxis, and even that wasn't put to a vote. You give @administrator Duchess and @AbdiJohnson an inch and they take a mile.



HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
@Gambit it's not about , it's about information and the right to disseminate it. The NSFW section used to be thriving even though I rarely participated. If you look through the old threads, it wasn't some competition to see who could be the most shocking or offensive.

It's about the principle. You know they sell mags in grocery stores right? All they have to do is hide the covers from plain sight, kind of like logging in to SSpot to see the NSFW section.

It's about freedoms. Why has this freedom been taken from us without even so much as a vote? Why does @Duchess claim banning nudity/ is the majority position when that was never the case? The majority opinion was against qarxis, and even that wasn't put to a vote. You give @administrator Duchess and @AbdiJohnson an inch and they take a mile.


Let's put it to a vote so you, your homies and their million troll accounts can rig the votes?:cryinglaughsmiley: Nah, nigga, not gonna happen. People vocalized their opposition to nudity and in @Gorgon's topic. The admin listened to their concerns and adjusted the rules accordingly. You can say it was about 'qarxis' all you want but people were very clear in their opposition to the presence of nudity/ on NSFW and anyone who wants can read the topic and see it for themselves.

I don't know where you live, but where I live they don't sell at the grocery store AT ALL.:childplease: This basic anti- rule is common across many forum communities. The majority of SS has spoken so I suggest you move on and find another issue to complain about.

@Idol the funny thing is I didn't even want banned but these trolls like to blame me for everything. lol I was one of the people who wanted the NSFW to remain as is, as was AJ. It was only after I saw how many people were vocally against it that I reread the arguments and checked the NSFW forum. After seeing the filth on that forum, I understood where people were coming from. Unlike @HOW CAN SHE SLAP?!? @ciddhartha @Bahal @VicePrez and co, my support for democracy isn't half-hearted. I support it even when my voice is in the minority. These niggas talk about freedom but want to impose their own rules on the forum and don't gaf who opposes it. :camby:
Let's put it to a vote so you, your homies and their million troll accounts can rig the votes?:cryinglaughsmiley: Nah, nigga, not gonna happen.


Unlike @HOW CAN SHE SLAP?!? @ciddhartha @Bahal @VicePrez and co, my support for democracy isn't half-hearted. I support it even when my voice is in the minority. These niggas talk about freedom but want to impose their own rules on the forum and don't gaf who opposes it. :camby:
SJW (sorry ICU) attack strategy :banderas:

You and your dumbass cousin couldnt be consistent if your lives depended on it :browtf:

I'm not gonna bother addressing any of your lies. If you guys want a mod that lies about and plays fast and loose with your views, then so be it.:ahhhh:

Quick edit; a poll isn't the only way to hold a vote you dumb
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@Gambit it's not about , it's about information and the right to disseminate it. The NSFW section used to be thriving even though I rarely participated. If you look through the old threads, it wasn't some competition to see who could be the most shocking or offensive.

It's about the principle. You know they sell mags in grocery stores right? All they have to do is hide the covers from plain sight, kind of like logging in to SSpot to see the NSFW section.

It's about freedoms. Why has this freedom been taken from us without even so much as a vote? Why does @Duchess claim banning nudity/ is the majority position when that was never the case? The majority opinion was against qarxis, and even that wasn't put to a vote. You give @administrator Duchess and @AbdiJohnson an inch and they take a mile.


Lol I don't think it's that deep. They've only enforced one rule, no and most people are fine with it. Just share it privately and don't invite snitches next time.

I doubt you're that much of a creep outside of somspot.
Lol I don't think it's that deep. They've only enforced one rule, no and most people are fine with it. Just share it privately and don't invite snitches next time.

I doubt you're that much of a creep outside of somspot.
Its not serious. But this place is supposed to be a forum for the people.
And you're a champion for the people? :mjlol:Funny guy wallahi. Btw you still haven't pm'd me? Last time I ask :ufdup:


Nigga, you want some deep shit from me and I just don't have the time. I'll see if I can one of these days. Horta I didn't know I had a deadline, when's my report due Mr Gambit? :leon:


@HOW CAN SHE SLAP?!? is kid with low self esteem. He is lonely and has no good people to keep him company. He needs good friends with excellent values to prevent him from becoming something worse than an internet troll.


Let's put it to a vote so you, your homies and their million troll accounts can rig the votes?:cryinglaughsmiley: Nah, nigga, not gonna happen. People vocalized their opposition to nudity and in @Gorgon's topic. The admin listened to their concerns and adjusted the rules accordingly. You can say it was about 'qarxis' all you want but people were very clear in their opposition to the presence of nudity/ on NSFW and anyone who wants can read the topic and see it for themselves.

I don't know where you live, but where I live they don't sell at the grocery store AT ALL.:childplease: This basic anti- rule is common across many forum communities. The majority of SS has spoken so I suggest you move on and find another issue to complain about.

@Idol the funny thing is I didn't even want banned but these trolls like to blame me for everything. lol I was one of the people who wanted the NSFW to remain as is, as was AJ. It was only after I saw how many people were vocally against it that I reread the arguments and checked the NSFW forum. After seeing the filth on that forum, I understood where people were coming from. Unlike @HOW CAN SHE SLAP?!? @ciddhartha @Bahal @VicePrez and co, my support for democracy isn't half-hearted. I support it even when my voice is in the minority. These niggas talk about freedom but want to impose their own rules on the forum and don't gaf who opposes it. :camby:
No back then 90% agreed with us the 2 mods that includes you and also idol were in agreement with us the only one who agreed with gorgon was @Samawada the admin at that time didn't even bother answering to other people who had opposition. He had an agenda from the start the thread he made to discuss it was a sham:childplease:
I warned everyone that day it was gonna be a shitty slippery slope:camby:
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