When I defended 🥊Abdis from an Ajnabi...


Welcome! Glad you're enjoying it so far!

I have noticed some of these ajnabis have become emboldened to insult Somali guys who are objectively taller and better looking. I think its because they know they cannot compete aesthetically so they attempt to bring them down so they can elevate themselves. Its an insecure man's tactic. He likely preys on the vulnerable and insecure that have issues with their own men. Lol @ your last statement. I only disagree there. Somali men are physically stronger. Even the thin ones are at least 30% stronger than you.
we should definitely have each other’s back wallahi! Idc if a farax talks shit about a xalimo among his friends and vice versa but we shouldn’t let these Ajnabis attack us through insecure measures.

meh let’s be honest, Somali woman are heavier build then Somali men. Most of the time we fight back too and win 9/10 times
Going to the gym won’t change your face.
Cope. Getting to a low enough bodyfat gives your face a more chiseled look. Your looks as a man aren't as important as other aspects such as your personality, status etc. I know plenty of 5/10 lads absolutely slaying pussy lol
Cope. Getting to a low enough bodyfat gives your face a more chiseled look. Your looks as a man aren't as important as other aspects such as your personality, status etc. I know plenty of 5/10 lads absolutely slaying pussy lol
Won’t change your bones. You are coping harder. Getting to Low body fat will only increase your attractiveness if you had good facial structure in the first place.
Cope. Getting to a low enough bodyfat gives your face a more chiseled look. Your looks as a man aren't as important as other aspects such as your personality, status etc. I know plenty of 5/10 lads absolutely slaying pussy lol
Men’s looks are far more important than personality.
Won’t change your bones. You are coping harder. Getting to Low body fat will only increase your attractiveness if you had good facial structure in the first place.
Men’s looks are far more important than personality.
If someone has the bone structure of a Hiroshima survivor, then they have no place in the dating world. Your attractiveness is an indicator of your genetic fitness.

Not true, I'm avg myself, so are a lot guys I know, you can make up for that to an extent with things like charisma, being funny, out-going etc. You obvsly wouldn't be drowning in it, but you'll get by.

However, if you're social retarded or a little austistic then it's a wrap. Avg looks + subpar personality = perma virgin wallahi. You'd have to look like a demi-god Olympian if you can't string a sentence together without getting flustered lol


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
we should definitely have each other’s back wallahi! Idc if a farax talks shit about a xalimo among his friends and vice versa but we shouldn’t let these Ajnabis attack us through insecure measures.

meh let’s be honest, Somali woman are heavier build then Somali men. Most of the time we fight back too and win 9/10 times
I agree.

Men have 36% more skeletal muscle mass (including the very skinny ones) than women, and women have more fat mass. Even very thin men could over power a woman that is an 'untrained fighter.' However, if the woman is overweight they have more mass to work with but would still lose (in a fair fight).


I agree.

It's not about build. Men have 36% more skeletal muscle mass (including the very skinny ones) than women, and women have more fat mass. Even very thin men could over power a woman that is an 'untrained fighter.' However, if the woman is overweight they have more mass to work with but would still lose (in a fair fight).
Girl I whooped every Somali guy ass I knew 💀💀💀 not even only Somali guys either. They are biologically stronger but in a fair square fight it’s hard too look at who would win


Zij hij dat serious gewoon in jou gezicht?:mjlol:
Ja man 😭 hij zei eigenlijk dat ik te mooi was voor Somaliërs. Hij vond de jongens op junkies lijken en hij dacht srs echt waar dat ik ofso interesse zou gaan krijgen als hij mijn volk belachelijk maakte? Ik lachte gewoon recht in zijn gezicht en zei dat Somalische jongens knap en veel beter uit zien dan hij. Wallahi dit is de reden waarom ik alleen met mensen van mijn afkomst/huidskleur ga want sommige van deze jongens chileeee….
we should definitely have each other’s back wallahi! Idc if a farax talks shit about a xalimo among his friends and vice versa but we shouldn’t let these Ajnabis attack us through insecure measures.

meh let’s be honest, Somali woman are heavier build then Somali men. Most of the time we fight back too and win 9/10 times
That's complete and utter delusion. Men have more fast twitch muscle fibers, the kind used for explosive movements. Even if a woman is heavier, the guy will be able to generate more power, translation even if you outweight a guy by a considerably amount, he'll be able to punch/hit WAY harder. Not to mention things like lung capacity and bone density.

That girl's an outlier and not representitive of Somali women as a whole, and I doubt the guys she fought were going all out against her. Espeascially if you consider the social ramafications of beating the shit out of a woman lol. It's a lose lose situation because if you wreck her shit, you're a woman beater and if you get rag-dolled then you're a pussy of the highest caliber.

"You're talking shit, the difference isn't that big etc..."
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That's complete and utter delusion. Men have more fast twitch muscle fibers, the kind used for explosive movements. Even if a woman is heavier, the guy will be able to generate more power, translation even if you outweight a guy by a considerably amount, he'll be able to punch/hit WAY harder. Not to mention things like lung capacity and bone density.

That girl's an outlier and not representitive of Somali women as a whole, and I doubt the guys she fought were going all out against her. Espeascially if you consider the social ramafications of beating the shit out of a woman lol. It's a lose lose situation because if you wreck her shit, you're a woman beater and if you get rag-dolled then you're a pussy of the highest caliber.

"You're talking shit, the difference isn't that big etc..."
Sure Luugo Baasto


This Arab guy at work did the same thing to me too 💀

he asked me what my type was and I told him I go for Somali guys and if that doesn’t work out I’ll go for other Africans (diaspora). He then said this to me “ but you are too pretty to be with a Somali” I literally was perplexed and told him “lmao no, Somali guys are handsome”

I mostly talk shit about Somali people among Somalis but I would never let an Anna I talk shit about my people no matter the circumstances.

Btw Abdis are the least abusive men among Muslims/black people. It mostly has to do with the fact that most of them respect their hooyo=Respect their woman and the fact that we both are physically the same strength

I hope you're joking. It's very common in Somali households for little Somali boys to bully their big-aged sisters just for fun. I even remember my little cousin who was only 8 years old was slamming two of his big sisters who were both teenagers because he was pissed and I had to pick up the little devil myself.

In my school days, every white kid, Arab kid, oriental kid, and sometimes black kid would lose in a fair fight with Somali boys. The notion that Somali men are weak and fragile is a complete lie. If you look into MMA and boxing competitions 99% of the time Somali guys prevail.

By the way, the Somali boy you posted died. He was suffering from an unnatural condition, aun.
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@Sophisticate Long time, I hope you're doing well, and what an odd encounter you had there. Predators usually prey on insecure women and he thought you would be one of those types of Somali girls. If you see ajnabis insulting your own men that means they believe you're insecure and that's a major red flag.


I hope you're joking. It's very common in Somali households for little Somali boys to bully their big-aged sisters just for fun. I even remember my little cousin who was only 8 years old was slamming two of his big sisters who were both teenagers because he was pissed and I had to pick up the little devil myself.

In my school days, every white kid, Arab kid, oriental kid, and sometimes black kid would lose in a fair fight with Somali boys. The notion that Somali men are weak and fragile is a complete lie. If you look into MMA and boxing competitions 99% of the time Somali guys prevail.

By the way, the Somali boy you posted died. He was suffering from an unnatural condition, aun.
Oh damn I didn’t knew he died I’ll use a different picture then!

Huh I have a younger brother ( 9 month age gap) and I was and have been always significantly stronger. I used to fight other guys (Somalis) back then too and it was easy to win against them.

Somali guys are more so aggressive talkers , they’ll. say the most painful shit to you instead and bring up uur insecurities


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@Sophisticate Long time, I hope you're doing well, and what an odd encounter you had there. Predators usually prey on insecure women and he thought you would be one of those types of Somali girls. If you see ajnabis insulting your own men that means they believe you're insecure and that's a major red flag.
He viewed all Somalis through a narrow lens. It was nothing personal just wild generalizations about the whole group that included both the women and men. The outcome would have been no different with someone else. If you don't challenge their rhetoric or the problems with their thinking they will continue unabated. At least he will think twice next time.


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