When Neo-nazi's Clash - Beautiful sight to Lo and behold.

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For those that don't know, both are the true voices of neo-nazi's, both have a massive following and both are clashing as hate has no limits.

The rise of the far right was a result of a selective community engineering project to hate Islam, but little did they know that such a community will begin to hate everyone else eventually, including each others.

The doors of hell have been opened up by this project and the clash of civilisation is brewing at a rapid rate.

Turkish minister claims 'holy wars will soon begin in Europe'

The term 'Nazi' or 'racist' gets thrown around the moment someone raises doubts as to whether the values certain immigrants hold are compatible with the the Western democracy they're reaching for.

It's frankly an insult using the term 'Nazi' to the 11-17 million people that were killed as a result of their policies especially when the people you're describing as Nazis are anything but that.

PS: The 'someone' I'm referring to by the way is Paul Watson

When the inevitable battles starts, you will be the first to take the bullet on that gigantic forehead from your buddies you thought were with you in this so called farcical enlightenment age and rapidly eroding selective so called 'human values',

Your a to them until the day you die you conformist fool, I doubt there is much brains in those gigantic frontal lobes in that Forehead of yours, curious to see if the bullet would actually penetrate it or just bounce of from it, judging by how thick you are to think your somehow on the same team.


Accomplished Saaxir
When the inevitable battles starts, you will be the first to take the bullet on that gigantic forehead from your buddies you thought were with you in this so called farcical enlightenment age and rapidly eroding selective so called 'human values',

Your a to them until the day you die you conformist fool, I doubt there is much brains in those gigantic frontal lobes in that Forehead of yours, curious to see if the bullet would actually penetrate it or just bounce of from it, judging by how thick you are to think your somehow on the same team.

You're a paranoid schizophrenic who in the interests of the wider public should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

What 'battle' is this that you talk of
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You're a paranoid schizophrenic who in the interests of the wider public should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

What 'battle' is this that you talk of

He reminds of a Somali warlord who at the height of the Somali Civil War famously said "Ama aa cunno ama aa ciideeyo." Meaning, if I can't have it, I rather see it ruined. Unfortunately, this is the mentality of many Somalis. They destroyed their country. They're given refuge by some stranger but rather than be grateful and seize the opportunity to learn and improve themselves, they rather fantasize about the demise of their hosts. You couldn't make it up!
You're a paranoid schizophrenic who in the interests of the wider public should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

What 'battle' is this that you talk of

Look at this idiot.

You think the whipping up of right-wing nationalist sentiment across the CONTINENT will have no effect? It's as if you are purposefully ignoring Europe's bloody past and how similar the patterns leading to its conflicts are. Perhaps you think Apple products and Chai Lattes have pacified the violent European. The thing with Europeans is, mar hadey kuu soo jeestaan, they're very thorough.

Eastern Europe still haven't forgiven the Muslims for past Ottoman subjugation and rule. There's close to turmoil in Western countries: the UK due to Brexit, Germany due to a strong reaction against Merkel's refugee policy, France with Le Pen growing in favourability, the Dutch, the Belgians, the Swizz kicking refugees out for their Islamic identity, anti-Turkish sentiment across EU and NATO.

Islam has been the European boogeyman for a while now. Look at ultra-nationalists in Europe - almost all of them are young healthy men (as opposed to the women-dominated SJWs). Large numbers of youth + anger + lack of opportunities + scapegoating group + nationalism + continued immigration = business as usual according to @Jujuman. If this isn't a sign of aqli daceef then I don't know what is.



Not your typical Farah
Something like 25%-50% of Paul Joseph Watson viewers are apart of the Alt-Right. They're going to turn on him and call him a cuckservative :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:


Accomplished Saaxir
He reminds of a Somali warlord who at the height of the Somali Civil War famously said "Ama aa cunno ama aa ciideeyo." Meaning, if I can't have it, I rather see it ruined. Unfortunately, this is the mentality of many Somalis. They destroyed their country. They're given refuge by some stranger but rather than be grateful and seize the opportunity to learn and improve themselves, they rather fantasize about the demise of their hosts. You couldn't make it up!

Free education

Free healthcare (in many European countries)

Freedom to practice their faith

But yet these fools @Inquisitive_ and @Rorschach are lolling their tongues out, thirsting at the prospect of war. But then again I'm not too surprised since it perfectly conforms to their eschatological beliefs.

I am aware of anti-Islam rhetoric and regrettably this has also become anti-Muslim rhetoric but I'm not too surprised to be fair that people are growing wary of a book:

Which mentions kafir in it's various forms over 250 times almost always in a derogatory context.

Commands it's followers to not befriend the Jews or Christians, let alone people of no faith.

It's almost as if Islam is just as obsessed with non-believers as it is with it's own adherents.

And despite all this you'll still find gaalo butting heads with one another often fiercely over this issue. So the entire premise that @Inquisitive_ and @Rorschach present of 'Us Vs them' is frankly a bs one.

If there was any declaration of battle it was when Islam drew out the world map into two over 1400 years ago as Darussalam and note the very interesting choice of word Dar-ul-harb

Instead of 'Kufr' Islam chose the word Harb (war) to describe these lands. What better indication is there of this fascist ideology's motives.
I am aware of anti-Islam rhetoric and regrettably this has also become anti-Muslim rhetoric but I'm not too surprised to be fair that people are growing wary of a book:

Which mentions kafir in it's various forms over 250 times almost always in a derogatory context.

Commands it's followers to not befriend the Jews or Christians, let alone people of no faith.

What better indication is there of this fascist ideology's motives.

You just don't get it do you, I find it amazing you dig up history as it relates to God's doctrine but ignore the brutal history of the very culture your subservient and conformist to, that in fact wants nothing to do with you, even a weak apologist self-hater like yourself.

The Ottoman ruled the longest much longer then Europeans, the same story with Ummayids, not a single racial/ethnic group was wiped off the map or wrongfully oppressed 1000+ years.

But those you have become a lackey too, in their short rule, have wiped out several nations from the face of the earth, committed the largest genocides in history surpassing everyone else put together even inflicted upon their own, and I am not talking about the Christian's elements only here but the godless secular Atheists you worship have done far worse.

Not to forget the brutal colonialism and the continued brutal Neo-colonialism, there has never been a more corrupt civilisation on the face of this earth, every so called foreign aid is 90% usurped by them and the 10% spent on bribes for the tin pot dictators they have appointed and keep in power, not to forget their control of the entire predatory financial system (now being challenged by China)

They are keeping your own country in perpetual poverty by blocking all types of explorations through fictitious contracts they claimed Kacaan regime signed to them for all the resources in the entire country, keeping Japan/China/Turkey/India and every other country willing to invest to get you out of poverty out.

A contract enforced through naval and military might through covert CIA bases in Somalia and the one in Djibouti, and to keep it even more spicy support and fund the interventions of neighbouring Christian countries as well as extremist radical groups within to destabilise and keep it that way, while you blame the victims, shoe shiners and the lady serving tea.

But I doubt your smart enough to know the games that are being played here, despite it being right in your face. Somalia was listed as the top 7 countries they will take out, despite at that time warlords ruling the country which were all funded by the CIA and the Ethiopian's next door as even the CIA declassified papers show, there wasn't a single Islamic movement at all when the plans were made to destroy your country.


Accomplished Saaxir
You just don't get it do you, I find it amazing you dig up history as it relates to God's doctrine but ignore the brutal history of the very culture your subservient and conformist to, that in fact wants nothing to do with you, even a weak apologist self-hater like yourself.

The Ottoman ruled the longest much longer then Europeans, the same story with Ummayids, not a single racial/ethnic group was wiped off the map or wrongfully oppressed 1000+ years.

But those you have become a lackey too, in their short rule, have wiped out several nations from the face of the earth, committed the largest genocides in history surpassing everyone else put together even inflicted upon their own, and I am not talking about the Christian's elements only here but the godless secular Atheists you worship have done far worse.

Not to forget the brutal colonialism and the continued brutal Neo-colonialism, there has never been a more corrupt civilisation on the face of this earth, every so called foreign aid is 90% usurped by them and the 10% spent on bribes for the tin pot dictators they have appointed and keep in power, not to forget their control of the entire predatory financial system (now being challenged by China)

They are keeping your own country in perpetual poverty by blocking all types of explorations through fictitious contracts they claimed Kacaan regime signed to them for all the resources in the entire country, keeping Japan/China/Turkey/India and every other country willing to invest to get you out of poverty out.

A contract enforced through naval and military might through covert CIA bases in Somalia and the one in Djibouti, and to keep it even more spicy support and fund the interventions of neighbouring Christian countries as well as extremist radical groups within to destabilise and keep it that way, while you blame the victims, shoe shiners and the lady serving tea.

But I doubt your smart enough to know the games that are being played here, despite it being right in your face. Somalia was listed as the top 7 countries they will take out, despite at that time warlords ruling the country which were all funded by the CIA and the Ethiopian's next door as even the CIA declassified papers show, there wasn't a single Islamic movement at all when the plans were made to destroy your country.

You don't need to tell me the many crimes the West has perpetrated in the past. Thanks to freedom of information I'm well aware of the past atrocities alot of my knowledge of it is thanks to Western scholars/journalists themselves.

Unlike the Turks who still claim the deaths of 1.5m Armenians wasn't a genocide.

But funny how you never addressed any of the points I've made in my last post and instead resorted to finger pointing so let's 'enlighten' you by pointing the finger at the aggressions perpetrated in the name of your religion.

Rashidun conquests - annexation of the Levant, parts of Turkey, Persia, Armenia and Egypt
Ummayad conquests - annexation of the rest of North Africa including Spain and to the East W.China and India
Ottoman conquests - annexation of S.E. Europe and large parts of the Ukraine.

Millions would've perished over the course of these century wide conquests.

Despite this history cloaked in bloodshed I'm astute enough to understand that that was all anyone was doing at the time, not only Muslims.

But the issue is the double standards you use in solely focusing on crimes perpetrated by the West whilst you conveniently overlook many of the aggressions perpetrated by followers of your faith.

The worst thing is your pathetic logic you use whereby simply because I embrace pluralistic democracies and personal freedoms I must then somehow also adhere to Social Darwinism, Communism and every other negative ism the West has produced.

If you go back far enough in history you'll find no-one is innocent.

People like you are proof of the system the Westerners have constructed. Burn and loot the land covertly, and to assist in the mirage, crack the valve slightly to let doqomo like you taste some sweetness and prove that "oh dey ain't so bad after all". To you, the wholesale destruction of the "3rd world" feeder countries is equivalent (and perhaps justifiable) for their diasporas to live a life of luxury: coco pops and prime time TV. What a worthy price.

You imbecile. The social programs you've listed only benefit a minute percentage of the world's population, and at their expense too. The money had to come from somewhere, or did the Europeans shit them out? Maybe you could confirm on your next trip down to their arse.

You point to the holy Qur'an, a remarkable holy book, as a reason for Johnny Blow from the pub not liking Khalid at the corner shop? Reer Muslamic rayguns are the foot-soldiers that we're worried about - they dominate the ranks, and their motives are simple. FOREIGNERS OUT. Theology is only an excuse.

If anything I have a little sympathy for them, they are just pawns Jew experiment that is globalism. You see, for decades they were content with free money in exchange for a immigration i.e. the price of globalism. Their standard of living and wages increased, and a few immigrants were trickled in, who then were pushed out to working class areas. These immigrants still endured massive discrimination even though some had assisted the Allies during World War 2.

But then the money looted from Africa, Asia, etc. stopped reaching the working class. The middle-men (corporations, leaders, financial institutes, investors, etc.) started swallowing a majority of it. So not only is Ina Doofaar not enjoying the same level of wages, his area is packed with immigrants from decades of strategic relocation.

His neighbourhood is flooded, he finds himself accommodating for foreigners - all legitimate concerns, but I won't cry any tears for him. The roads, healthcare, and cheap food were paid for with the blood of masaakiin.

There is really no need for you to slander the past of empires of the Muslims, especially when they were saints in comparison to the Europeans. Their ruthless displacements of whole ethnic groups, massive casualties, genocides, and chaos is unrivaled in the history of the world in terms of scale and reach. They literary drew the borders for new countries from their breakfast tables. The funny thing is, the blood of their rampage is still fresh, but you have to reach centuries back to the Ummayad and Abbasid empires just to give the Europeans some legitimacy.

In your mind the Europeans have totally reformed from their savagery in the space of half a century. On the other hand, the Muslims must carry all death's via conquest from the first millennia empires.

You expose yourself. You sound identical to a sheltered suburban white boy. At least the white boy is overcompensating for his cognitive dissonance in part as a defense mechanism - a primitive way of defending his ancestors. But what is your excuse? What makes you dampen their recent crimes, but magnify those of the Muslims?
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Pepe Trump

You're far too generous just pointing out the conquests mate, the Muslim empires have done far worse. Funny enough, this all occurred before European imperial conquests of Muslim lands.

  • Castration of Black African slaves. It is claimed that up to 80% of the black slaves were castrated. This continues well into the 20th century with the ottoman caliph Abdul Hamid ii.
  • The Ottoman Empire used to demand European Christian nobility to give up its Christian children. The children might be taken as slaves, used as soldiers and often raped.
  • The Jizya that was imposed on non Muslim. In many cases, those who refused to pay were taken as slaves.
  • The expulsion of the Jews and Christians from Hijaz by Umar.
  • The brutal conquest of Constantinople. The conquering Muslim literally killed all whom they met, women, children, old people and literally anyone.
  • The conquest of India which is estimated to have killed millions of Indians.
  • In Armenia, the entire population of Euchaita was wiped out. Seventh-century Armenian chronicles recounts how the Arabs decimated the population Assyria and forced a number of the people to accept Islam, and then wrought havoc on the district of Daron.
  • Michael the Syrian tells us how Mu'awiya sacked and pillaged Cyprus and then established his domination via a great massacre.
  • Between 1000 and 1200 Buddhism practically disappeared from India, through the combined effects of its own weakness, a revived Hinduism and Muslim persecution. (Edward Cronze)
  • Nomarn Stillman's The Jews of Arab lands: a history and source book: the invasion of the Middle East (by the Arabs) was not a joyous and liberating experience. There was death and destruction. The inhabitants of the towns taken by storm were either killed or taken into captivity (meaning slavery), and their property forfeited.
  • The Jizya and Kharaj was a crushing burden for the non Muslim peasantry who eked out a bare in a sunstinance economy.
  • Muhammad and his massacre of the Jews of Banu Qurayza.
This list only scratches the surface and I have even more to give you.

The European empires were no better but they were definitely not worse. But then again... let's hate the white man whilst we drink our coffee of historical revisionism.
You expose yourself. You sound identical to a sheltered suburban white boy. At least the white boy is overcompensated for his cognitive dissonance in part as a defense mechanism - a primitive way of defending his ancestors. But what is your excuse? What's makes you dampen their recent crimes, but magnify those of the Muslims?

Beautifully and eloquently put!

What's interesting is that conformist or spies are despised even more so then those actively fighting them in the battle fields or those resisting their mental enslavement programs of integration and assimilation which they have rolled out to devastating effects,

Why physically enslave if you can enslave them mentally like this imbecile? not only is this more effective but more lasting, his spawns will be taught to hear and obey by this degenerate, growing up with even more self-hate then the imbecile that spawned him.

A vicious self-destructing cycle starts much like what happened with the AA communities, were some don't even trust their own doctors/accountants and other professionals and look to the white-man as their saviour and their women as a form of emancipation.

At least you can feel sorry for them because it was 245 years of this, but this moron is exhibiting this behaviour despite being first generation and having gone through much ease, I dread to think what 245 years of pain would produce, prideless people like him make me puke in disgust!

You're far too generous just pointing out the conquests mate, the Muslim empires have done far worse. Funny enough, this all occurred before European imperial conquests of Muslim lands.

  • Castration of Black African slaves. It is claimed that up to 80% of the black slaves were castrated. This continues well into the 20th century with the ottoman caliph Abdul Hamid ii.
  • The Ottoman Empire used to demand European Christian nobility to give up its Christian children. The children might be taken as slaves, used as soldiers and often raped.
  • The Jizya that was imposed on non Muslim. In many cases, those who refused to pay were taken as slaves.
  • The expulsion of the Jews and Christians from Hijaz by Umar.
  • The brutal conquest of Constantinople. The conquering Muslim literally killed all whom they met, women, children, old people and literally anyone.
  • The conquest of India which is estimated to have killed millions of Indians.
  • In Armenia, the entire population of Euchaita was wiped out. Seventh-century Armenian chronicles recounts how the Arabs decimated the population Assyria and forced a number of the people to accept Islam, and then wrought havoc on the district of Daron.
  • Michael the Syrian tells us how Mu'awiya sacked and pillaged Cyprus and then established his domination via a great massacre.
  • Between 1000 and 1200 Buddhism practically disappeared from India, through the combined effects of its own weakness, a revived Hinduism and Muslim persecution. (Edward Cronze)
  • Nomarn Stillman's The Jews of Arab lands: a history and source book: the invasion of the Middle East (by the Arabs) was not a joyous and liberating experience. There was death and destruction. The inhabitants of the towns taken by storm were either killed or taken into captivity (meaning slavery), and their property forfeited.
  • The Jizya and Kharaj was a crushing burden for the non Muslim peasantry who eked out a bare in a sunstinance economy.
  • Muhammad and his massacre of the Jews of Banu Qurayza.
This list only scratches the surface and I have even more to give you.

The European empires were no better but they were definitely not worse. But then again... let's hate the white man whilst we drink our coffee of historical revisionism.

Haha, look at the sad attempt by this gaal degenerate to scrape together events spanning 1400 years. The European casualties over the past 700 years trumps anything the Muslims have committed over 1400 years. And you dare include slavery in your list of admonishments in your defense of Europeans? Slavery? Have some shame.

Why did you add Jizya to your list? Every Europhile has to shoe-horn Jizya in. Too bad you hadn't included taqleed, you would've hit the Europhile jackpot. Oh and on the castration of slaves - it was Ethiopians and other Christians who would castrate boys in their monasteries before selling them on to Muslims. Perfect capitalism no? Christians find a market for castrated slaves, since it's Islamically forbidden to mutilate a person. You should be applauding this free market exchange!

We don't even need to look East and their bloody crusades for evidence of their savagery. The horrors of the Americas where they wiped out over 90% of the indigenous population should be proof enough. Point to me where Muslims have nearly wiped out ethnic groups at anywhere close to this scale. But yet the Europeans who's paws are still bloody are the reformed enlightened ones?

Your bias is evident.


Pepe Trump
Haha, look at the sad attempt by this gaal degenerate to scrape together events spanning 1400 years. The European casualties over the past 700 years trumps anything the Muslims have committed over 1400 years. And you dare include slavery in your list of admonishments in your defense of Europeans? Slavery? Have some shame.

Why did you add Jizya to your list? Every Europhile has to shoe-horn Jizya in. Too bad you hadn't included taqleed, you would've hit the Europhile jackpot. Oh and on the castration of slaves - it was Ethiopians and other Christians who would castrate boys in their monasteries before selling them on to Muslims. Perfect capitalism no? Christians find a market for castrated slaves, since it's Islamically forbidden to mutilate a person. You should be applauding this free market exchange!

We don't even need to look East and their bloody crusades for evidence of their savagery. The horrors of the Americas where they wiped out over 90% of the indigenous population should be proof enough. Point to me where Muslims have nearly wiped out ethnic groups at anywhere close to this scale. But yet the Europeans who's paws are still bloody are the reformed enlightened ones?

Your bias is evident.

The irony in calling me a degenerate really speaks volumes when you happily defend the actions of a slave owner, the prophet, and his divine dictator friend who gave him and the Muslims the right to own other human beings as slaves.

Also, the west doesn't bathe itself in the supposed glories of their past. They admitted what they did was wrong and moved. They bloody apologised for slavery!!! When will the Saudis apologise to its African population for their wrongs of their history?

The point of the post, which you so conveniently ignored, was to clear up the historical revisionism which your friend was bathing himself in. The point of my post was not to hold anyone accountable for actions they were not involved in. Nonetheless, much of those crimes were religiously sanctioned including slavery.

If we look at the reality of the world we live in, we see that the western world has forsaken its old and barbaric ways, mostly driven by religious hatred, and have reformed themselves to such an extent that everyone, Muslim or not, dreams to enjoy the luxuries of western freedoms. Point is, when the Somali civil war broke out who took in our people? It sure as hell wasn't the Arab world, where they were treated like shit. Syrian refugee choose to risk the perils of drowning to get to the west. Point is, of you lot hate the west so much, why don't you leave? Nobody is holding against your bloody will. Wishing the demise of the west whilst enjoying their fruits shows only cowardice and hypocrisy.

Secondly, Muslims are in the turmoil their in because of the intolerant views in which they hold. Statistics show that Muslim nations are some of the least tolerant nations on the planet.





Call me all the names under the sun but is doesn't change the fact that you live, and refuse to leave, the west that you wish demise. Muslims hate the west but they choose to flock here.
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Pepe Trump
Your post was truly outstanding.

This part was is just :wow:
I never picked up on their hypocrisy.

The true hypocrisy lies in those who wish the demise of the west whilst showing no intention to leave it. I mean, that's like living in someone's house whilst wishing it bloody burns down.

Plus, there's no hypocrisy in stating facts. Europeans have reformed from their barbaric past, I mean, you fucking live in it. They've changed their ways whilst ever since the demise of the relatively liberal ottomans, Muslims have become far more intolerant. Muslims don't run to other Muslim countries for safety, they run to western countries.
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