HSM did the same in his first two appointments until he realised sometimes dealing with the devil directly is less headache as both back to back MX PM's became more pro Puntland then both Faroole and Gaas combined after their visit in Garowe were sixir was done on them.
I have been told they practice dangerous forms of witchcraft and are learning kaballah now in Bosaaso/Garowe spread by missionaries, in Northern Gaalkacayo it's the same story, significant population their carry voodo dolls especially since the huge influx of Oromo people.
This sickness and disease is now spreading all over Somalia because of them. hence the crazed famines that happen yearly, he should sack this interior minister for incompetence and not being able to influence his own region, he is an absolute utter dead weight.
I likes me some tribalism. More so, a good clan bashing session, as much as, the next guy. But God damn man, have some sense and logic to that bashing.