Habar Awal don't live in Bardera you mentally confused garac.
Your ignoble folk do though, kulaha "part of Italian Somaliland" like it makes a difference!
Hold this L doqonyahow!
@JONB Who Lives In Bardera if it's not Darood?
Gunyahow guntu dhashay answer that or shut the f*ck up forever.
It even says "Group di Ogaden", nacaas thinks people can't read.
You're all over the place, i'm not even trying to engage in fdk, the authentic source you're looking for is here --> http://othes.univie.ac.at/16945/1/2011-11-03_0051734.pdf
Click on the link, go down to page 59 and you will see this
In the description of the image in the top left it says "Habr Auel".
And the language is not french, its German, the same country where this image was taken in Hamburg
View attachment 46240
The evidence is right in front of your eyes, but your purposefully ignoring it
This is the front page of the source in German http://othes.univie.ac.at/16945/1/2011-11-03_0051734.pdf View attachment 46241
"Zoologische" in german means zoology you can even google translate it
You shouldn't use it for fdk, its some fucked up shitAla Ileyn this is why the iidoors went nuts in this thread
@JONB Neefyaahow stop projecting your situation onto mine and trying to dodge your L, forget about zoos I kept your people in bondage kkk. Ilmo Habesha baa maanta noo faanaya.
An cagdheer who comes from a amalgamation of sorcerers, hunter gatherers, Oromos and Bantu blood drinkers calling others xaraan! Walle Ninkii dhimanwaayaa tu walba uu arki! Other Daroods can talk laakin your folk everyone in the north knows I fed and clothed your ignoble people when you were walking around naked in the deserts. You used to give me your virgin daughters for imported uunsi, bariis iyo timiir from the near east. My suldaans used to get virgin Cagdheer girls as prizes for trading with your lowly people. There is a reason every HA suldaan has an cagdheer Hooyo and we kept your women as concubines. Learn your Got damn history.
Don't ever think you are on the same level as me gunyaahow guuntu dhashay.
Nigga wrote multiple essays. Breathe waryaa inhale ej ale inhale exhale. I really hit a nerve with your ayeeyo's naked vintage photo, caku reer zoo xoolopulling up fake sources and talking out of your ass
You are doqon, your confederation of lowly caghdeers truly believe you are Ethiopian and that the Tigray love them, must be the Oromo and Habesha blood you dhabodalifs kkk:
Kulaha Tigray loves us the most! Your folk are only good for serving tea and dhaanto for tigray kkk.
Hooyaada baa fake source ah nacaalad yaahoow.
My Grandmothers (who weren't even Isaaq, but that's besides the point) were noblewomen unlike your peasant ancestors who weren't even clothed. Don't get salty.
I come from long line of traders and warriors, can't say the same for a habesha-oromo hybrid like you.
The Bah Xawaadle Sultan of what clan?
The Bah Xawaadle Sultan of what clan?
I was a bit confused since there is a Bah Xawaadle section of Reer DiiniBah Xawaadle of the Caghdeers kkk
So pretty much entire isaq plus dhulbahanteSee at least you were honest.
Honestly, a lot of these pics may be fake. This stuff is created as FKD ammo so I wouldn't be surprised. I already posted which tribes were involved in the north anyways.
Source: http://sciences.gloubik.info//spip.php?article1467
Only a lander would glorify colonialism
When she got cornered, she coughs up the real reason of her post lmao
Why do I have the feeling Safia is an old FKD’er?