Which Clan Associated With ISIS?

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Many Somali Lamagoodleys both males & females around 500 of them from the West joined ISIS, triple that number have been stopped at the airports. When you carefully study these people and the clans they hail from, you will find most of them are Daarood. 84% of Lamagoodley female sexual jihadists are MJ. Two reasons why? First, they love ajnanbi men more than they like their own families. Second, MJ men are the most fuley in the world, their women became so violent inay u ceeb asturaan.

The men are mostly Ogadens, Marehans and other little insignificant clans like Dir and Hawiye yar yarrow. Why are Ogaden men and Marehan men over-represented in the ranks of ISIS?

2 reasons.
For the Ogaden men, simply they are axmaq men. Maa fiish caqli fil ra'si ogaden. This guy from San Diego with 10 children, posted 8 videos of Ahmed Blackie's win as the new warlord of Kismaanyo, he celebrated and insulted the mareexaans they were fighting and few weeks later, he died in Syria. Caqliga aawe?

Another Ogaden left Denmark and exploded in a hotel full of graduating medical school, their teachers and families. Who murders graduating doctors in Somalia. Walaahi Caano booraha aa addict ku yihiin aa Ka caqli badan.

Mareexaan. Waa wareere oo waashe. Hawar Gedir miyaa, daarood miyaa, mareexaanka waa wareere Ma kala kasaayo. Kuwii ay dhalleen, sidii loo lahaa, nolol boqornimo aa la idiinku shale, land cruiser aa xaarkiina lagu qaado jirre, karma I iyo waali oo Li dhacdey. Syria eey ku waashteen.

Work in progress
how do you know the clan demographics of isis?

dayum i didnt know people from the Madowweyne community are hotshots in isis
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