Which of these two look more plausible to you?

Which of these looks more plausible without indoctrinations

  • Heliocentric Europhile Spinning Model

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • Flat beautiful plain

    Votes: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters
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The 3D model video representation are no longer then 2-3 minutes.

Imagine without any indoctrination or Dogma, living in a pollution free natural environment, with the beautiful sky being your rooftops, knowing the orbits of every star/constellation, so much awe of it's magnificence that some societies even worshipped it, while today we don't even give it a cursory glance.

Which conclusion would you have come to, without any indoctrination, if you were shown these two models below. Which appeals to your logic ?

The 1000 times revised crazed on steroid-spinning heliocentric model

Our Beautiful flat plain which every ancient civilisation every to walk this Earth believed in.



Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
honestly, what difference does it make? flat, round, heliocentric, geocentric...why does that matter to the layman?

why would these shadowy organizations dating back to Newton supposedly go to all these lengths to deceive us?
honestly, what difference does it make? flat, round, heliocentric, geocentric...why does that matter to the layman?

why would these shadowy organizations dating back to Newton supposedly go to all these lengths to deceive us?

If your a Muslim or one that believes in God, it makes no difference whatsoever I agree with you.

But if your a Europhile atheist whose core believes are we evolved by chance, and are a spec of cosmic dust flying in infinite space with possibly alien life in existence (but not intelligent designer) in a bang bang cosmic accident.

The difference is huge and colossal because this destroys their entire foundation, you can't explain away being at the centre, everything revolving around you just as you can see, by chance nor accident, because it gives you purpose and importance which is the opposite doctrines preached by the Europhile doctrines that your a purposeless, insignificant cosmic dust spinning, tilting and shooting across space through one big accident evolved from Animals, and your nothing more than a hedonistic animal being, we see the result of these doctrines today.

This destroys their entire eco-system of that absurd ludicrous believes. This is why in the ancient times no such thing as this Europhile atheism existed, because everyone was a cosmologist, astrologist that knew the skies above them inside out because that was their rooftops and there was no way you could sell a spinning ball in infinite space idea, this purpose/importance of geocentricity just as you can observe crushes all those flimsy Europhile doctrines.

That Eurohpile masonic God Copernicus and his cohorts, had to come up with model, as a means of taking away that purpose/importance of being at the centre of everything, without this, not a single person would believe in either evolution nor atheism, and crushing this, you crush these polytheistic blind believes that is now becoming rampant even among the stubborn Somali's.

If your still confused take a look at that Europhile @McLovin response, that's your typical Europhile atheist fall back, he also conveniently runs away from discussions, because as you expect he understand nothing about his blind believes.
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The 3D model video representation are no longer then 2-3 minutes.

Imagine without any indoctrination or Dogma, living in a pollution free natural environment, with the beautiful sky being your rooftops, knowing the orbits of every star/constellation, so much awe of it's magnificence that some societies even worshipped it, while today we don't even give it a cursory glance.

Which conclusion would you have come to, without any indoctrination, if you were shown these two models below. Which appeals to your logic ?

The 1000 times revised crazed on steroid-spinning heliocentric model

Our Beautiful flat plain which every ancient civilisation every to walk this Earth believed in.

What happens if u go over the edge
What happens if u go over the edge

What happens if you go under the ball? or on the sides? or travel to a place under the ball or the sides?

If you answer is fictitious gravity force, read my response here at the bottom to Jubba-man Europhile, it's a fictitious force conjured up during a masonic voodo worship ceremony or a child sacrifice occult ritual, the laws of density and buoyancy explain why an apple falls not gravity hoax.

Why can't I see the curvature? If you question is about edge or circumnavigation read my response on the fixed Northern star Polaris thread, which you should never be able to see from the southern hemisphere and should never be fixed either if your on a spinning ball shooting through infinite space at ridiculous speeds


Cultural revolution
How are sattelites supposed to work in this model? And why are days in the summer longer in the extreme Northern/Southerb regions?

There is also a big elephant in the room in your model. What caused the last Ice Age if not the earth's tilt and it's orbit around the sun?
How are sattelites supposed to work in this model? And why are days in the summer longer in the extreme Northern/Southerb regions?

There is also a big elephant in the room in your model. What caused the last Ice Age if not the earth's tilt and it's orbit around the sun?

I find it astonishing your so inquisitive, so open-minded, to question anything that's opposed to the dogma's they inculcated from a young age, but you don't ask those same questions back at those dogma's because they are enough to refute them.

The ice-age is impossible on the spinning model regardless of tilt, the whole tilt if you look at the evolution of heliocentric doctrine came about to explain why the fixed Northern star polaris could be seen from the Southern hemisphere, which should be impossible, hence the 23 degree perfect tilt to cover some ground, do you know anything about how many times this heliocentric model was revised?

For satellites check out my posts here

Also check out my responses here
If your a Muslim or one that believes in God, it makes no difference whatsoever I agree with you.

But if your a Europhile atheist whose core believes are we evolved by chance, and are a spec of cosmic dust flying in infinite space with possibly alien life in existence (but not intelligent designer) in a bang bang cosmic accident.

The difference is huge and colossal because this destroys their entire foundation, you can't explain away being at the centre, everything revolving around you just as you can see, by chance nor accident, because it gives you purpose and importance which is the opposite doctrines preached by the Europhile doctrines that your a purposeless, insignificant cosmic dust spinning, tilting and shooting across space through one big accident evolved from Animals, and your nothing more than a hedonistic animal being, we see the result of these doctrines today.

This destroys their entire eco-system of that absurd ludicrous believes. This is why in the ancient times no such thing as this Europhile atheism existed, because everyone was a cosmologist, astrologist that knew the skies above them inside out because that was their rooftops and there was no way you could sell a spinning ball in infinite space idea, this purpose/importance of geocentricity just as you can observe crushes all those flimsy Europhile doctrines.

That Eurohpile masonic God Copernicus and his cohorts, had to come up with model, as a means of taking away that purpose/importance of being at the centre of everything, without this, not a single person would believe in either evolution nor atheism, and crushing this, you crush these polytheistic blind believes that is now becoming rampant even among the stubborn Somali's.

If your still confused take a look at that Europhile @McLovin response, that's your typical Europhile atheist fall back, he also conveniently runs away from discussions, because as you expect he understand nothing about his blind believes.
It's clear you value your emotions more than the truth. So what if we are not the center of the universe? So what if there are countless of galaxies besides ours? How is that stopping you from living a full and purposeful life...
Wtf did I just read:russ:

The earth is flat:mjlol:
There's no gravity:pachah1:
How comes we're not floating around then? Or not falling off the edge of the world. How come ships come over the horizon even:drakelaugh:
The poll is pretty much 50/50 :ohhh:

The 70 IQ for Somalis could actually be true. :meleshame:

What a typical Europhile Dirty bag, here is an actual modern IQ test that works
Wtf did I just read:russ:
comes we're not floating around then? Or not falling off the edge of the world. How come ships come over the horizon even:drakelaugh:

No Ships go over an horizon, that is due to your perspective and vanishing point, watch a P900 Zoom Camera bring it right back into view.

Here is the Perspective effect, note how the trees appear to you smaller further away, that's due to your vanishing point, the same concept with the supposed ship going over the horizon


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