Which one of them is the bigger betrayer?...why?

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break the rules I'm an innocent fool
Husband and wife decide to commit suicide together by jumping off a building. They counted to 3, the wife jumped but the husband didn't. On her way she opened a parachute.


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I figured it out

At first it seems the husband is more to blame. Her parachute was prolly an escape if the nigga didn't jump with her.

Even in her death she was testing the fellow which is inherently why she's the worst perpetrator.

She wanted to see his face up close before she pulled the string la hawla. Was probably all her idea. Homie was prolly comfortable with a gun double suicide.


break the rules I'm an innocent fool
How did she sneak a parachute without this nigga noticing?

lol at first I thought the wife is the bigger betrayer because the husband probably saw the parachute. But then again women are good at hiding things well, which then lead me to believe that perhaps the husband is the bigger betrayer because his wife felt like she couldn't trust him. But then again why would you agree to jump off a building with someone you don't trust :hemad:. The wife is the bigger betrayer... Revenge for the reason she didn't trust him in the first place :holeup:

I figured it out

At first it seems the husband is more to blame. Her parachute was prolly an escape if the nigga didn't jump with her.

Even in her death she was testing the fellow which is inherently why she's the worst perpetrator.

She wanted to see his face up close before she pulled the string la hawla. Was probably all her idea. Homie was prolly comfortable with a gun double suicide.


the womens fault. A man would never think of such a thing. Most sucides of men are caused by women :hemad:
Lmao so both of them wanted to be rid of each other? Both had a back up plan just in case
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