white people salty af

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0:13 the people in those paintings are WHITE!!! LOL
africa's greatest civilizations all of which suspiciously had very little black people in them
Awful. They're rewriting history for the sake of nog worship
Egypt is NOT black, stop perpetuating this lie
Have you heard of "Egyptian" Pyramids outside of Egypt? No. Why were they only built in the far north of the continent of Africa and nowhere in the southern regions and had such strong Arab/European outside influence? Because the native Africans didn't build a damn thing in Egypt. Do you want to learn the reality? They were mowed down, trampled upon and were a scourge in the eyes of it's people and it's Pharaohs. Egyptian elites literally had sandals with Black men depicted on them; wanna know "Why?", because It was a symbol of "trampling" them an insult to the "lesser beast". Are you people going to also ignore the hieroglyphs of the Egyptian armies fighting back the Black hordes of the SOUTH!? There WERE Black "Kings" but only of tribes scattered across the innards of the continent, however, they were limited due to locked resources, that their technology could never hope of extracting in enough quantities to build what we considered Civilizations back then.. These Black tribes were (and still are, sadly enough) hunter gatherer societies, nothing more, I mean, it's not surprising, considering that Africa is one of, if not the most hostile collective of environments of Human Civilization, aside from the Southern and Northern most regions of that God forsaken place. (Look at the aboriginals in Australia btw, they are near exact copy of the African tribes in Africa, minus a few cultural changes.) Now, with that out of the way: Quit patronizing Blacks and bullshitting about things they never accomplished without outside influence over the last several THOUSAND YEARS, just to appease your "social justice cult gods". This is fucking insulting to not only to the ancestors of those who live in the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean today, but it's an insult to Blacks because you're taking advantage of what limited history they've learned through your bullshit (((public broadcasting))) and profiting off their ignorance, like the sick and twisted greedy assholes that you Globalist Bureaucrats are. This is a program of pure trash. I might as well watch Ancient Aliens if I want a refresher on ancient history from now then if this is what is tolerated in public education. THREE WORDS: "Disgraceful, Uninformative, Patronizing"
all because of this
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