white people

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*Build entire empires on killing, raping, stealing resources slavery
*Dropped the only nuclear weapon ever dropped in a war
*Destroyed entire cities
*Meddle into the affairs of others when they're not needed

And then after all that create a new term "white guilt" to say that they shouldn't have to feel guilty for all the above but want us to feel guilty for things on a much smaller scale and blame all of us?


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
These threads.



Cultural revolution
If we were in their spot we would have done exactly the same and so would any other ethnicity.

It is human nature to be blood thirsty savages
They were the most successful civilisation so it's natural that they have a lot of blood on their hands
East Asians have killed more btw

Lil Resse

bird shit skinned honky neanderthals are just mad that they're prehistoric animals, are reject mutations of africans, and are going extinct at 8% of the world population and still dropping. Once they go extinct actual Homo Sapiens will finally roam the earth. :rejoice:
This place loves to shit on SJW's yet it adopts their buzzwords when in need
I'm pro SJW. They're petty sometimes, but at least their basis is on real issues like black and women's rights. I swear white people (not all of them ) are just as petty and over sensitive but over non issues. Their complaining about every little thing that negatively affects them and calling that anti PC or telling it like it is but remaining hypersensitive when it's the flip side and calling it SJW is what bugs me. And then you have a lot of black people who think its cool to follow them in this.. right. just know anti PC culture is prowhite and won't benefit you
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