White supramacist's can't believe scores of East African students LoL!!

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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood

According to white supremacists, Ethiopians have the lowest IQ of any black population, while African Americans have the highest average because of their 20% Caucasian admixture. Testing in Seattle schools proves that East African students out perform both African Americans and even native English speaking latinos. Keep in mind that the average IQ for African Americans in Washington state is 94, the highest IQ African American population in the US.

:ohhh:This is interesting! Someone should go to AA forums and post this to troll the heck out of them .:lolbron:

I wonder how well East African immigrants would do if they didn't come from a poverty/war stricken countries. I think East Africans would surpass Nigerians and Ghanians if they came from well off families back home and stabile regions . Socio economic circumstances have put a severe strain on Somalis cultural capital. It's no suprise that studies show somali youth with fluency in their language and have their dhaqan intact do far better than their assimilated counter parts.

Research proves Somalis with good grasp of their heritage and native language do better at school.

Culture is the biggest factor in this like i said, it doesnt matter how well integrated you or how assimilated you are. At the end of the day the gap differences is dueto culture. Latinos and AAs have Zero culture or religion.

@Kaafiye come look at this.

IQ doesnt measure your intelligence, the only thing it measures is your adaptability to modernity(technology). So if you come from a country that lacks alot of it, for instance poor regions in Africa. Then its no suprise if you score low.

But if you do to the same test on the same population in different regions were there is alot of modernity(technology) available you will have different score a much a higher score. So it is in terms Msieading.

Intelligence itself has to do with environmental factors tho and not genes. Sometimes its very subjective what is concieved intelligent.

Actually it is measurement of that particular populations adaptability to modernity. If it wasn't true the same populations inside and outside of africa would at least score similar.

Intelligence being linked to genes is not valid in anyway , Sudies done on various populations indicate its very much due to environmental factors. African Americans underpreform because of lack of culture,
its the truth. Intelligence being linked to genes is an old racialist wives tale and just a continumum of Darwins Theory and Eugenics.

You should definetly watch Rageh Omars documentary as it does highlight quite eloquently and breaks down all the myths.
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