Who controls the money

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Surah Al baqarah 2:102

And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane


The trouble is, you think you have time
Thank you for making a thread that has substance. Very interesting stuff, but sadly the masses are asleep and fail to the reality.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Alan Greenspan admits the federal reserves is above the governments jurisdiction, it's a law unto it's self.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why is the west so opposed to the shariah law? Cause Islam has its own monetary system that's based on gold & silver & usury is forbidden. Whereas the west fractional reserved banking is based on usury (Interest)


The trouble is, you think you have time
That is really messed up. But its makes sense for the elites to have control of the federal reserves because they want to crash the dollar currency and introduce a world currency that is paperless . The US dollar is worthless and many leaders from other countries tried to gold instead of the US dollar and they end up being assassinated. The elites have a monopoly of all of the world's wealth.


What I find extremely shady is that since the 1980s the head of the Federal Reserve (Central Bank) has been an Ashkenazi Jew. They only make up 1.5% of the US population, but control the international banking system. And even when they weren't the chairman/woman of the Fed they were often the majority on the boards of the Fed.

Shady as f*ck.
Why is the west so opposed to the shariah law? Cause Islam has its own monetary system that's based on gold & silver & usury is forbidden. Whereas the west fractional reserved banking is based on usury (Interest)

There's nothing more idiotic than giving away your natural resources for a piece of paper. Doesn't matter how much you take from the Earth, they can just create the money out of thin air and buy it all again.

The West would collapse in one day if Africa and the Middle East accepted payment in only gold and silver.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
That is really messed up. But its makes sense for the elites to have control of the federal reserves because they want to crash the dollar currency and introduce a world currency that is paperless . The US dollar is worthless and many leaders from other countries tried to gold instead of the US dollar and they end up being assassinated. The elites have a monopoly of all of the world's wealth.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The queen of England who's face is on the money going to the Bank of England asking them questions on how it all works. Who runs the Bank of England again?


The West would collapse in one day if Africa and the Middle East accepted payment in only gold and silver.

Gold and silver is a horrible system for a currency.

If you take out a loan based on precious metal value, you risk that you have to pay back a lot more in real terms compared to paper fiat money. It will tank the economy as spending will go down over time.

Many economists think the 1930s depression was caused by the gold back system that still semi-dominated the world back then. Why risk going back to those boom & bust cycles?

At least with fiat you can manage the economy artificially with Keynesianism. However, it should be conducted in a fairer system than today's one that is controlled by the Jews.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Gold and silver is a horrible system for a currency.

If you take out a loan based on precious metal value, you risk that you have to pay back a lot more in real terms compared to paper fiat money. It will tank the economy as spending will go down over time.

Many economists think the 1930s depression was caused by the gold back system that still semi-dominated the world back then. Why risk going back to those boom & bust cycles?

At least with fiat you can manage the economy artificially with Keynesianism. However, it should be conducted in a fairer system than today's one that is controlled by the Jews.
Fiat currency or fractional reserved banking is based on usury, whereas gold & silver are tangible wealth which holds value. It don't matter who's running the system cause it's the system that's the problem.
Gold and silver is a horrible system for a currency.

If you take out a loan based on precious metal value, you risk that you have to pay back a lot more in real terms compared to paper fiat money. It will tank the economy as spending will go down over time.

Many economists think the 1930s depression was caused by the gold back system that still semi-dominated the world back then. Why risk going back to those boom & bust cycles?

At least with fiat you can manage the economy artificially with Keynesianism. However, it should be conducted in a fairer system than today's one that is controlled by the Jews.
Boom & Bust cycles are a feature of Capitalism. It has nothing to do with having a gold standard or fiat currency. The Soviet Union's economy was booming during the "great depression" and they were exporting their goods for gold bullion. And last time I checked we're still recovering from the last economic collapse.

There would also be no need for interest on loans since a currency based on a gold standard would not depreciate in value. People would more likely use the money to invest in profitable businesses.

With the technology that we have now we don't even have to carry gold bullion around. Just keep it in a bank account and pay for everything electronically.


Boom & Bust cycles are a feature of Capitalism. It has nothing to do with having a gold standard or fiat currency. The Soviet Union's economy was booming during the "great depression" and they were exporting their goods for gold bullion. And last time I checked we're still recovering from the last economic collapse.

It is part of capitalism, but a gold-backed system makes the boom & bust cycles more severe and the government can't intervene as much. A gold-backed system is like communism, sounds very good and nice in theory, but in practice the consequences cause people to lose their lives. Lovely on the outside, dangerous on the inside.

By the way, the Saudis and its Gulf satellite-sates are the ones propping up the US dollar dominance. They signed a deal with America to only allow crude oil trading to happen in US dollars. This has created a fake tangible basis behind the fiat system. Saddam tried to switch to Euros and got his ass handed to him in the early 2000s. Qaddafi tried to create a gold-backed Africa currency and got deposed. The Ashkenazi Jew Fed cartel is very serious about their system and won't even allow alternatives.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The link between kabbalistic marrano Jews & the Jesuit order of the Catholic Church who's founder was a marrano Jew ignatius loyola & the Rotheschild connection.

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It is part of capitalism, but a gold-backed system makes the boom & bust cycles more severe and the government can't intervene as much. A gold-backed system is like communism, sounds very good and nice in theory, but in practice the consequences cause people to lose their lives. Lovely on the outside, dangerous on the inside.

By the way, the Saudis and its Gulf satellite-sates are the ones propping up the US dollar dominance. They signed a deal with America to only allow crude oil trading to happen in US dollars. This has created a fake tangible basis behind the fiat system. Saddam tried to switch to Euros and got his ass handed to him in the early 2000s. Qaddafi tried to create a gold-backed Africa currency and got deposed. The Ashkenazi Jew Fed cartel is very serious about their system and won't even allow alternatives.
Yes you're right. The dollar we have is actually backed by Saudi oil. Wallahi they're the biggest curse to ever happen to our Ummah.
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