Who do u back in the Syrian Civilwar?

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
Personaly iam sympathetic to the mujahideen factions Ahraar Al shaam, free syrian army and islamic front.

I have always been islamist since september 2011.
In Somalia i supported maxaakiim and then the sufi group ahlusunnah wal jamaah because alshabaab are mujrimiin.

I dont support jabhat nusrah or jabhat fathu shaam(their new name), but i respect their fighting skills and their tolerance towards other groups.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Personaly iam sympathetic to the mujahideen factions Ahraar Al shaam, free syrian army and islamic front.

I have always been islamist since september 2011.
In Somalia i supported maxaakiim and then the sufi group ahlusunnah wal jamaah because alshabaab are mujrimiin.

I dont support jabhat nusrah or jabhat fathu shaam(their new name), but i respect their fighting skills and their tolerance towards other groups.

Ahlu sunnah is not a sufi group lol. It belongs to two tribes :mjlol:

:damedamn: Didn't know you supported terrorists though. Nigga yikes.
f*ck this dirty kafir that mocking us. I see what you are doing nigga. :birdman::birdman:
I actually think the khilafah is a good idea. The muslim world will be united for once and you can finally stop complaining about the kuffar that are invading your lands.
Bashar the lion because I don't want beautiful Syria turning into a shariah hellhole under ISIS or FSA or turning into Somalia when the lion is overthrown
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Personaly iam sympathetic to the mujahideen factions Ahraar Al shaam, free syrian army and islamic front.

I have always been islamist since september 2011.
In Somalia i supported maxaakiim and then the sufi group ahlusunnah wal jamaah because alshabaab are mujrimiin.

I dont support jabhat nusrah or jabhat fathu shaam(their new name), but i respect their fighting skills and their tolerance towards other groups.

I know more about Syria and middle was than anyone in the forum.

I support al-bashar Assad, russia, Iran and Hezbollah who are fighting Isis and are against Israeli expansion since its part of the greater Israel project.

America, Israel, NATO and Arab ziniost slaves such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar use, Kuwait, turkey and Jordan are enemies to Islam and major Isis supporters.

Currently Iran sent a lot of weapons and funds to Iraq and Syria for free and has told Hezbollah to support both syria and Iraq to the fullest and Kurds have been armed and are doing well in both Syria and Iraq and currently Russia is bombing the hell out of Isis in Syria.

Do not believe al- Jazeera or any other ziniost corrupted propaganda. Assad was a great leader who was not a western puppet so he was on a hit-list.

To be very honest free Syrian army are Isis but are a propaganda tool.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I know more about Syria and middle was than anyone in the forum.

I support al-bashar Assad, russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Kurds who are fighting Isis and are against Israeli expansion since its part of the greater Israel project.

America, Israel, NATO and Arab ziniost slaves such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar use, Kuwait, turkey and Jordan are enemies to Islam and major Isis supporters.

Currently Iran sent a lot of weapons and funds to Iraq and Syria for free and has told Hezbollah to support both syria and Iraq to the fullest and Kurds have been armed and are doing well in both Syria and Iraq and currently Russia is bombing the hell out of Isis in Syria.

Do not believe al- Jazeera or any other ziniost corrupted propaganda. Assad was a great leader who was not a western puppet so he was on a hit-list.

To be very honest free Syrian army are Isis but are a propaganda tool.

You put the Kurds with Assad Hezbollah and Iran :pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:


cismaan maxamuud
no one that war is cooked,however i do dislike the regime due to the atrocities they committed against their people


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
How about none of them, because who gives a shit about these Arabs :wtfdis:

I am more concerned as to why Somalia didn't field a girls side to the female African cup of Nations over the last few weeks
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