Who else wants WW3 to start?

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WW3 is the end of humanity and seeing how things are unfolding these days...it would be very reasonable and save to assume it is where we are headed. I am sort of eager for nukes war to commence just so the end can pass. I personally live a good life alxamdulilah but when I see how much majority of the people in the world suffer...death seems the better alternative and for that reason, I always pray for a the 3rd war to spark up somewhere ensued by immediate global nukes. and yes I do pray for those who suffer(as long as they are muslim). #ww3allowdadaji

Queen Carawelo

Why would you pray for world war 3 to erupt? You can easily pray for the world to be a better place and here you are wanting to destroy it. Smh.
The world will never be peacefull...it never was peaceful and the carnage and violence you see will continue. The reason I prefer a world war is that with a world war we will all die instead of some of us dying like the majority of muslims do today. Let's face it...the muslims are the most killed and prosecuted group of people today and we are not cohesive or intelligent enough to fight back which means we will keep getting oppressed and killed. To me a ww3 will remove us of our misery. That is why.
how on earth is world war 3 ever going to start?
the only super power is the usa which leads nato countries and the challenger is russia but putin does not want to lose his throne so he wont make the mistake hitler did by attacking european neighbours which are allied to the usa through nato. which stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and is the most advanced fighting force on earth, the secound challanger to the status qou is china but the chinese communist party is more focused on furthering economic growth and prospering while they prepare their kids to take their positions of power once they die. so basically no world war 3 is going to ever happen because all the powerful influencial players on the international stage are focused on growing prospering under pax-americana instead of challenging the pax-americana and getting their ass kicked by Nato.

you are better of hoping for religious things like dajjal and yajuj and majuj or that other religious apocalypses stories :chrisfreshhah:
The last world war included everyones participation (including colonies) on Earth except some neutral countries in Europe and Afghanistan I believe. And some of those neutral countries were still dragged into the war by invasion.

Circumstances are different now. The Europeans can't have their former colonies participate this time in some capacity. There are 200 independent countries with just 1 superpower.
Nope sorry, I have no interest living in an radioactive apocalyptic world watching my Children become deformed things because of Gamma rays jumping around freely.


Agent is right. It's very unlikely world war 3 would happen between developed nations. The world has kinda matured if you think about it. It's not the same as it was in the early 20th century. All developed nations rely on each other for global business. Just look at Russia, their economy is still feeling the burn from the economic sanctions placed on them for their annexation of Crimea.


WW3 is the end of humanity and seeing how things are unfolding these days...it would be very reasonable and save to assume it is where we are headed. I am sort of eager for nukes war to commence just so the end can pass. I personally live a good life alxamdulilah but when I see how much majority of the people in the world suffer...death seems the better alternative and for that reason, I always pray for a the 3rd war to spark up somewhere ensued by immediate global nukes. and yes I do pray for those who suffer(as long as they are muslim). #ww3allowdadaji
Have you been playing too much fallout 4 mate?:comeon:


>,,< certified creep >,,<
Muslims shouldn't wish for death or presume death is better alternative to suffering. This life is test and what better way to pass it with patience and being closer to Allah. I don't wana reach near the endtime when hardly the name of Allah is remembered. When all types of worship becomes mere memory. May Allah guide us all and help us through these tests


Suldaanka Gobyare

The world will end with the arrival of the dajjal , messiah, yajuj wa majuj and I agree with you that the end is near, just a matter of decades/century/centuries. Allahu a'lam . Do I want it to end, no , but it's inevitable.

Only a gaal would be afraid to die.
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