I know your type you will get one on the ankle or wrist. A curved row of stars from big to small. Or a flower.
I know your type you will get one on the ankle or wrist. A curved row of stars from big to small. Or a flower.
And when people ask you why you chose the stars you will tell a story about how your father came from a family of 12 kids and he put his hope into you and said reach for the stars and you got it to remember him but there was no “reach for the stars” moment you made it up to get a tattoo and your dad is a dugsi teacher at the local community center.INTERESTING TELL ME MORE
And when people ask you why you chose the stars you will tell a story about how your father came from a family of 12 kids and he put his hope into you and said reach for the stars and you got it to remember him but there was no “reach for the stars” moment you made it up to get a tattoo and your dad is a dugsi teacher at the local community center.
Yeah sleeve, rub cage
imagine if someone got a tramp stamp
If I'd ever get a tattoo, I'd get a tattoo of my abtirsi on my chest so hoes can read it out loud while we're smashing
if my hoe aint appreciating where this dick is from and the history it has, is it even worth smashing her at this point?imagine tattooing a bunch of niggas names on your chest AND wanting some to read them all off while ur having sex. gayest shit i’ve read all day
Damn, do you regret it??
Alpha shitimagine tattooing a bunch of niggas names on your chest AND wanting some to read them all off while ur having sex. gayest shit i’ve read all day