Why Africa so backwards breh

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Jet life till my next life
A 19-year-old man in the northern Nigerian state of Bauchi says his eyes were removed by people who wanted to use them for ritual purposes.

Human body parts for use in suspected witchcraft or for charms are mostly taken from children in Nigeria – it is not often that an adult falls victim.

Hussain Emmanuel, who is being treated in hospital in Bauchi city, says the attack happened two weeks ago in his village in the remote Tafawa Balewa area.

He said he was lured by two acquaintances in Marti village to a nearby river to go swimming.

Mr Emmanuel, a self-employed motorbike mechanic, said he was hanging out with the two men because one of them had promised him a job in southern Nigeria.

But when they got to the river they attacked him, attempted to strangle him with a chain and knocked him unconscious.

When he woke up, he couldn’t see and began screaming until he was rescued by some passers-by who found both his eyes were missing.

Police say they are investigating the case, and have not commented on the motive of the two suspects who have yet to be apprehended.

Hunting Albino for witchcraft, mixing blood & milk, raw meat eating and monkeys eating. Thank Allah that we are Muslim ( Islam had forbidden us from that practices )

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Industrialisation helps, it's comes with a huge societal upheaval and uproots people from their small remote and backwards villages and into bigger cities where they work and spend their money, also mandatory schooling of kids between the ages of 6 - 15 wouldn't too bad either.

Africa also has the problem with corrupt politicians who're siphoning very needed money without much oversight from safeguarding institutions and it's not even bullshit project money but money needed for starving and/or sick people. I wouldn't protest if these guys ended up being dragged behind a shed and got shot.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
West Africans are the dumbest Africans
Followed by Southt Africans
Then North Africans
Then Ethiopians
Followed closely by Kenyans


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Lmfaooo lemme guess Somalis on top?

Nah, east Africa as a whole gets slotted in between the south and the North on the xiyawaanimo tournament


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Lmfaooo lemme guess Somalis on top?

Nah, east Africa as a whole gets slotted in between the south and the North on the xiyawaanimo tournament
Nah Somalis are on another level of stupid. I was listing the regular dumb people. There's dumb and there's Somalis.

No offence to my Somali lovers.
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