Why are liberals shameless?

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Sucking dick is decent and normal otherwise you would not get a blowjob

Decency and Normalcy are not only determined purely by the actions in and of themselves. Nice try. The one committing the action along with whom the action is being committed upon are significant determinants on whether a particular action falls under the realm of decency and normalcy. Ex.:

The taking of life is recognized as inherently immoral and uncivilized in most human societies. However, an executioner meting out justice or a soldier taking an enemy combatant's life are equally regarded as noble endeavors by most human societies.

I hope I have made my point much clearer.

You do realize, of course, that you as a black, gay, atheist, gender-neutral man that you are anathema to conservatives and the conservative movement as a whole? Again, goes back to the "gays" being mentally deficient and all.
Decency and Normalcy are not only determined purely by the actions in and of themselves. Nice try. The one committing the action along with whom the action is being committed upon are significant determinants on whether a particular action falls under the realm of decency and normalcy. Ex.:

The taking of life is recognized as inherently immoral and uncivilized in most human societies. However, an executioner meting out justice or a soldier taking an enemy combatant's life are equally regarded as noble endeavors by most human societies.

I hope I have made my point much clearer.

You do realize, of course, that you as a black, gay, atheist, gender-neutral man that you are anathema to conservatives and the conservative movement as a whole? Again, goes back to the "gays" being mentally deficient and all.

Gays are among the highest paid and successful in Western society. How are they mentally deficient?
Gay couples also have higher incomes than straight couples. Married gay couples, with an average household income of about $115,000, make slightly more money than unmarried gay couples in the work force, whose average is $111,223.
Gays are among the highest paid and successful in Western society. How are they mentally deficient?

Correlation =/= causation. A bunch of gays in the entertainment industries or working in the service sector of banana republics (i.e Canada) doesn't demonstrate anything substantial.


Your superior
I agree sxb. If they die that would be better for mankind. We can cut food and water supply off from them till they come to their senses.
Why do you care tho? Those who are most anti homosexuality are gay as proven by the killer. Are you iskumidsexual (homosexual)


Thats not impressive considering 1. Men make more money than women obviously 2 men will have more income then say 1 man 1 female.


Why do you care tho? Those who are most anti homosexuality are gay as proven by the killer. Are you iskumidsexual (homosexual)
Istaqfirullah! Stop projecting your fantasies on to me nigga. I'm not the one interested in observing the backsides of males as they roam the streets of London, am I? You're either against homosexuals, or you're one of them. I'm starting to think you're one of them.
Why do you care tho? Those who are most anti homosexuality are gay as proven by the killer. Are you iskumidsexual (homosexual)

Actually, studies show that heterosexual people are more "homophobic" than they say they are:

New Study Reveals Straight People Are More Homophobic Than They Say They Ar

The homosexuals can't seem to get it right. Either we "homophobes" are in the closet, and we simultaneously are just normal people who have an inherent bias against their filth and requires brainwashing or "education" as they say to accept their backward ways. See my first post in this thread about these people and mental deficiencies.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans earn more, save more and have less debt, a Prudential study shows.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are better at managing their money than the average American, new research shows.

They earn more, save more, have less debt and are better prepared for retirement, according to a Prudential survey of more than 1,000 LGBT respondents.

Respondents not only reported significantly higher annual incomes -- $61,500 compared with the national median of $50,054 -- but they also carried about $4,000 less in debt than the average American and had $6,000 more in household savings. They were even slightly more likely to have jobs in the first place, with an unemployment rate of 7% versus the national rate of 7.9%, Prudential found.

A combination of factors play into this, said Michele Meyer-Shipp, chief diversity officer at Prudential. To start, LGBT individuals are generally well-educated, with more than half of respondents receiving at least a bachelor's degree, and tend to live in higher-income areas, she said.

Negative attitude towards homosexuality is likely to be more pronounced among individuals who harbor unacknowledged attraction towards the same sex, and who grew up in conservative authoritarian households which forbade such desires, a series of psychology studies have found.

The study, which analyzed four separate experiments conducted in the US and Germany, provides empirical evidence to suggest that in some individuals homophobia is the external manifestation of repressed sexual desires they feel towards their own gender.
Here's the study actually linked in your article:

The LGBT Financial Experience

Let's take a look at the methodology:

The survey contained more than 70 multiple choice and write-in questions, which yielded more than 6,000 written comments about participants’ financial experience. Community Marketing, inc. administered the study, and participants were members of its LGBT Research Panel.

So, essentially you have a confirmation bias going on here. Like most self-reported surveys, only those who are typically the most successful among a given cohort have the highest likelihood of responding to this optional survey. Now look at the demographic breakdown in their respondents:

White: 67%
Hispanic: 12%
Black: 11%
Asian/Pacific Islander: 5%
Native American: 1%
Mixed/other: 4%

Except, according to Gallup in this actual anonymous survey (which is a much better indicator for what is going on here when dealing with LGBT), the highest demographic was black followed by Asian. Clearly, this exposes a clear confirmation bias in the previous sample in that people who are apart of higher income circles generally tend to be more on the extremely liberal spectrum and more accepting of "homosexuality". The evidence for this is not just found in that survey, where disenfranchised minorities tend to be less open about their homosexuality and hence the "DL" phenomenon, but also another 2010 anonymous survey of Americans ages 18-44

gay men were found to have a poverty rate of 20.5 percent; the rate for straight men was 15.3 percent. For lesbians it was 22.7 percent, compared to 21 percent for heterosexual women. The similar rates for lesbian and straight women is attributed to the fact that women overall tend to earn less than men. Additionally, same-sex couples are 1.7 times more likely than different-sex couples to receive food stamps. The more accurate data doesn’t clarify, though, what is the cause of the gay/straight economic gap.

Another interesting aside:

Social scientist have established that gay men are more likely to work as teachers, nurses, secretaries, and other jobs that are traditionally female dominated and which don’t pay very well. Additionally, nearly 40 percent of all homeless youth are LGBT (often having been kicked out of their homes by homophobic parents), putting them at a great economic disadvantage as they grow older. Beyond these factors, are there other factors contributing to gay people’s economic hardship?

Your homosexual agenda seems to be completely at odds with reality.
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