Why are reer baadiye Somali women more secular than city Somali women back home?

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They don't wear hijab or jilbaabs.

They are strong and independent, not like city women who stay home and are locked in their living rooms or their bedrooms when males come into the home.

They are very vocal and want their opinions heard.

They dont pray.

They slaughter animals without saying bismillah. I've seen this half a dozen times with different reer baadiye clans.

They would never entertain marrying a non Somali man unlike the city Somali women. This isn't secularism though.

Why is this?


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I think you got it wrong, it's usually reer badiyo folks who came to the city who are like that.
Real city folks are chill.
They are also a bit smarter than city women. They are open to new ideas. They use cellphones in the bush. City women only use technology because they are in the city and they have to adapt. Reer Baadiye people don't need to adapt. They are in the bush but they still use cellphones.


They don't wear hijab or jilbaabs.

They are strong and independent, not like city women who stay home and are locked in their living rooms or their bedrooms when males come into the home.

They are very vocal and want their opinions heard.

They dont pray.

They slaughter animals without saying bismillah. I've seen this half a dozen times with different reer baadiye clans.

They would never entertain marrying a non Somali man unlike the city Somali women. This isn't secularism though.

Why is this?

They say bismallah but they do it quietly because showing off is against Islam and baadiyo customs. They do pray too, but you won't see it for the same reasons and especially not in front of men.

The rest is also showing off by city women, they want to seem cultured and for their husbands to appear rich. It's seen as the height of wealth if you don't work, go out in the sun etc and you sit at home watching watching satellite TV with a servant who does the shopping and clenaing for you.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
They are not any of these things. In someways they're more conservative than people in towns.

My ayeeyo was reer baadiyo and came from a deeply religious clan and her father had the 'aw' title. They pray and fast just like the rest of somalis, where do you get your info?

Women in cities cover up more because the think our traditional attire is reer baadiyonimo and western clothing is unislamic.

A lot of Islamic practises are embedded in geeljiredom.
They are not any of these things. In someways they're more conservative than people in towns.

My ayeeyo was reer baadiyo and came from a deeply religious clan and her father had the 'aw' title. They pray and fast just like the rest of somalis, where do you get your info?

Women in cities cover up more because the think our traditional attire is reer baadiyonimo and western clothing is unislamic.

A lot of Islamic practises are embedded in geeljiredom.

@nucleus I travelled hundreds of kilometers with nomads. I saw how they live. They are very secular and very liberal.


not so sad after all
Because they've been saved from the cancer that is Salafism.
Im getting more and more shocked by the stuff i read on here from the muslim users. what salafi cancer thing did he mention on there? hijab, praying, saying bismillah before slaughtering? he just said regular muslim things what on earth same with @waraabe calling islam a foreign ideology smh

anyways they might be strong but they (the women) have incredibly misgyonistic views about women. They have practices like men eat first and women eat the leftovers.
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