Why are Somalis hyper sensitive?

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Stroking my Australinimo
From what I have learned online is that Somalis are hyper sensitive and quickly react with anger when a non-Somali highlight the problems in Somalia and criticism is equivalent to bullying to them.

They also react with anger and resort to insult when interfering with stranger [Somali] family matter especially those who are into inter-racial marriage.

Take this thread in Ummah Forum for example:


You will never see anyone other than Somalis who does it. They are tolerant, more open minded and less-sensitive.

Yet, Somalis are unable to ignore the bigger problem they have. In the online world, there is not a single Somali forum where there are mature, e-civilized and open minded members. Somalispot and somnet for example, the vast, vast majority of the members resort to insult 24/7 with each other, curse and diss their clan-folk and so on. They encourage. Motivate. Fuel.

They don't have any issue with it but act overly-sensitive when a foreigners does that in a respectable manner? They act overly-sensitive when a foreigner highlight the issues in Somalia but don't have an issue when their own clan-folk are encouraging, fueling and cursing clannism, warlordism, piracism, barbarism, terrorism, corruption and so on in Somalia?

So, my question is why are Somalis so hyper sensitive to non-Somalis?
There is different between rudeness and expressing your concern & opinion. And these people are just insensitive people who are patronizing us.
some people are too immature and sensitive but in that thread you posted I don''t see that just people defending pirates-how is that over sensitive? are they forced to take the opinions of others?

these forums are just jokes somali people support each other regardless of clan irl


Not your typical Farah
So, you're basing your opinions on Somalis being "hyper sensitive" on one forum or thread? Do mind providing more evidence?
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