Why arent Oromos not flooding to Kenya?

ethiopia's best ally in the region is kenya. Why would ethiopia destroy its relationship with kenya by flooding it with oromo's?
I know but Oromos don't even consider themselves as Ethiopian, they have their own regions, I'm.sure they can migrate anywhere but instead chooses Somali regions for nefarious reasons.
I know but Oromos don't even consider themselves as Ethiopian, they have their own regions, I'm.sure they can migrate anywhere but instead chooses Somali regions for nefarious reasons.
When you poke bantu's you get another rwanda lol. They will eat you alive. Kenyans bantu's outnumber oromos by like 10-20 million. Somalis have so much land but a moderate population. Even so, somalis have been killing each other, theres no law or order in some places.
Bantus are more organised. Oromo's wont go to places wheres theres order.
When you poke bantu's you get another rwanda lol. They will eat you alive. Kenyans bantu's outnumber oromos by like 10-20 million. Somalis have so much land but a moderate population. Even so, somalis have been killing each other, theres no law or order in some places.
Bantus are more organised. Oromo's wont go to places wheres theres order.
I see that's why they flood to Somalis because we are lawless and too welcoming not knowing theyre trying to invade Somalia


Instead of flooding into Somali regions and than get deported again why can't they flood kenya and Tanzania and make it cushitic again especially with their high population?
Pretty sure oromos are already native to kenya, they are called borana. Many of them I have seen can speak somali very well, i havent seen one borana that cant speak somali


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
Oromo live in kenya you just don't hear about them lol. The original Oromo tribes are Borona who came from the border with north west Kenya.


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
yup, pretty much.

in Somalia you will see a families who have maids when they themselves get their lacag from abroad.
Imagine if Somalia was one of those oil welfare states with the way Somalis act rn. I guarantee you Somali niggas will be enslaving people in the 21st century with the elitist anti-work way some Somalis have
yup, pretty much.

in Somalia you will see a families who have maids when they themselves get their lacag from abroad.

Doesn’t kinda reveal our past as rulers?

I heard our true history is being hidden from us, and some Arab say “if only Somalis had known about their history they would grow arrogant beyond measure”.

I hope someone leaks that secret, so we can put the Arab peasants in their place. :rejoice: