why can't you all look at the bigger picture

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because it seems everyone would rather support their dusty little maamuls and revel in the little advantage they could have over another clan when they could have it so that their would be mutual benefit and even greater results so no one would have to brag about who has more paved roads (sad).
There's something called the prisoners' dilemma where the prisoners, if looking out for mutual gain instead of individual gain they have significantly decreased their prison time but choose to be greedy, and suffer the consequences. For people living in the west, your parents ran away from that! how can you wish the same tragedy on those living there actively trying to run away from that mess. Do you like being the laughing stock of everyone else? because no one outside of us can tell who comes from which region or which clan.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somalis are clinically retarded.

The average Farax is a brain-dead qabiil zealot who's perfectly fine with having his kids sent to fight a meaningless qabiil battle thatll be resolved in a week on behalf of a rich warlord whose kids are living comfortably in Dubai.

And tbh all countries are full of retarded people like this, they just have the benefit of leaders who are able to see beyond the next tuulo.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Hodan, they wont listen. They didnt listen to scholars.

What makes u think they will listen to Hodan The Wise and Imam Hutuking the Hippie?
Nonsense! My gobol of puntland is known the world over for its magnificent mountains and offshore marine activities. Seethe in your envy!!! :birdman:
Tbh clans bragging about who has more paved roads is better than bragging about how much my clan has looted from your clan.

If that's not progress then I don't know what is. :icon lol:
Its in our DNA, we were all independently doing our own thing before the colonist arrived:manny: lets go back to how things were and live in peace:damedamn:

Everyone else has evolved from village life brother it's time we do the same. Those fiefdoms might have worked in the primitive ages, but is incompatible with today's world.
I'm not calling for a union. Either we go our separate ways completely or drop this qabil bs and become a single country:ivers: no more federal states and primitive tribal feuds.
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