Why did Noordin Haaji come to Xamar and plans for Hamza Barre



This happened a couple days ago but it was briefed originally it was about Shabaab, turns out it is about defending Hamza Barre



Gist of this given y’all can’t read Somali or have long attention spans, Nuuradiin Haji is going to use the full might of the Kenyan state to blackmail Somalia MPs into backing Hamza Barre, Aden Madoobe, getting Ahmed Madoobe to support Hamza and HSM will have to clear out any opposition from Gedo.

Amiin Guuleed is a reliable source so probably a lot of truth to this. He also says Nuuradiin is defending Hamza in a qabyaalad way saying Ogaden are the most useful Darood to HSM and will fully back him despite the MJ opposition to him which they feel is because Hamza is Ogaden
Cagjar in Ethiopia and Nurdiin in Kenya are collaborating with Hamza Barre to fend off Majeerteens who have zero appetite for that useless seat ? I don’t know which is worse ; the complete open border which unites 3 Ogadens from three different countries against one common enemy or the idiot above me who actually pushing the narrative 😂


Cagjar in Ethiopia and Nurdiin in Kenya are collaborating with Hamza Barre to fend off Majeerteens who have zero appetite for that useless seat ? I don’t know which is worse ; the complete open border which unites 3 Ogadens from three different countries against one common enemy or the idiot above me who actually pushing the narrative 😂
bro Amiin Guuleed is xog ogaal. He’s got sources within UPD and predicted the election at every stage last year. Even down to each round MPs. He even predicted Hamza Barre would be PM month before anyone else thought he would be

He’s from PL and yes he agrees with you that he thinks PL opposition is not because of just Deni but HSM’s centralisation plans but what he’s confirmed is OG politicians aren’t buying that and believe MJs want back into Xamar so would opposed Hamza regardless.

So Nuuradiin’s trip was about three things, telling HSM Madoobe/Cagjar/himself will all back Hamza fully and there’s no need to change him as they’ll get control of all the Xamar MPs who live in Kenya/have money there, also that HSM to get Madoobe’s full backing he needs to hand over Gedo and shut down any Madoobe opposition

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
Cagjar in Ethiopia and Nurdiin in Kenya are collaborating with Hamza Barre to fend off Majeerteens who have zero appetite for that useless seat ? I don’t know which is worse ; the complete open border which unites 3 Ogadens from three different countries against one common enemy or the idiot above me who actually pushing the narrative 😂
They know the issue isn't that useless PMship that can be tossed out any min. It's a tactic used for the neef daqaya. What for? To become a marxuum for Garguurte? The issue is a system issue. Autonomy vs the cursed centralism.


Anyone who fell for that is an idiot. Its shocking how much people are ignorant of Ogaden internal dynamics yet it still comes up.

Also @bidenkulaha is this a repost from “Puntland Transparency Media” on Facebook. Is that why you cut the user name? :gucciwhat:


Anyone who fell for that is an idiot. Its shocking how much people are ignorant of Ogaden internal dynamics yet it still comes up.

Also @bidenkulaha is this a repost from “Puntland Transparency Media” on Facebook. Is that why you cut the user name? :gucciwhat:
View attachment 282614
bro Amiin Guuleed is xog ogaal.

I mentioned it there, the screenshot didn’t fit both account name with the last paragraph so cba’d copying it but Amiin Guuleed=PL transparency media it’s his account. I mentioned it in the comment so try reading.

He’s a good source on PL/Xamar affairs. We used him last year for quite a bit and he was spot on throughout election and PM/cabinet picks
I’m loving the stupid conspiracy theories
WTF is Beesha Ugadan
Nooradin Haji doesn’t have time to be involved in low IQ Zoo politics




Amiin Guuleed was arrested by Deni for his leaks last year.

He predicted that AaranJaan wouldn’t back Deni, Ceelwaaq MPs (mostly Rooble UPD picks won) +Ogaden (led by Hamza who was aiming for the PM) +waqooyi would vote HSM to push him past first round.


@bidenkulaha It’s the Job of Culusow to defend his own Xukuumad. what’s this talk of motion? It seems like HSM is a cat dressed in Lion Fur. If Hamza goes, Damul Jadiid follows …
HSM is too weak in parliament. Damuljadiid only have 50 MPs there and a few of them aren’t happy they aren’t in the government like Sanbaloolshe. It seems like he’s reliant on Madoobe controlling JL MPs to back Hamza. And Kenya closing the Nairobi opposition.

At least today there’s ppl saying the govenrment paid 4.5 million to the parliament to buy off 120 MPs but I doubt they can sustain that for long.

He can’t take the Farmaajo route of bullying MPs apparently because he’s scared of IC backlash.
We will defend Hamza @bidenkulaha, these MPS will learn the hard way who pays their salary. The talks was about the corrupt fuckers who stole money and ran to Kenya and beyond. All of them will be hunted.



@Removed @SPMLegend is this not impressive




A lot of qish 😂 Muuse bihi directly got involved in SL selections. Deni was lobbying against any PL PM that wasn’t his pick. Hamza was pushing for PM months before election and pulled JL MPs away from Deni. Kheyre took AJ MPs promising them PM and exposed himself like an idiot.


Amiin Guuleed is defo not a conspiracy theorist. Sure he might be wrong this time but Kenya getting involved in Somalia politics so Madoobe can be backed by FGS and JL back Hamza isn’t even crazy to believe
Gist of this given y’all can’t read Somali or have long attention spans, Nuuradiin Haji is going to use the full might of the Kenyan state to blackmail Somalia MPs into backing Hamza Barre, Aden Madoobe, getting Ahmed Madoobe to support Hamza and HSM will have to clear out any opposition from Gedo.

Amiin Guuleed is a reliable source so probably a lot of truth to this. He also says Nuuradiin is defending Hamza in a qabyaalad way saying Ogaden are the most useful Darood to HSM and will fully back him despite the MJ opposition to him which they feel is because Hamza is Ogaden
You’re actually the most delusional person on this site looool kulaha noordin is backing hamze kkk


You’re actually the most delusional person on this site looool kulaha noordin is backing hamze kkk
i am translating the post and just reporting it in general with the thread. You can look above for Amiin Guuleed’s track record.

I haven’t said anything and I explained that three times to make sure everyone got that yet you STILL managed to fail basic reading comprehension ffs.

I think I might have to SPELL… THINGS… OUT… LIKE… THIS for y’all :dead1:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Cagjar in Ethiopia and Nurdiin in Kenya are collaborating with Hamza Barre to fend off Majeerteens who have zero appetite for that useless seat ? I don’t know which is worse ; the complete open border which unites 3 Ogadens from three different countries against one common enemy or the idiot above me who actually pushing the narrative 😂

He thinks Ogaden are as obsessed with Majeerteens as HG are.