i am already married ******, found her abti,
i have easily dated atleast 20-30 girls at uni, maybe 250 between the ages of 19 -29 out side of uni, i used to date 3-5 girls at once, in fact i have not been single longer than 3 months since i was 18/19 till marriage,
i once told an italian girl in my university project group who never turned up to do her part of the project that she was an ugly fuxcking one night, she kept quite for 5 minuets and said come to my house i will cook pasta for you, at 3 am in the library trying to cramp in work, i was shocked,
i once asked a German girl at uni if she had a black ****, she said only German and Argentinian, then she called me 3 days later at one night and said come and beat the Nazi out of me, i want your black dicxxx
getting girls was easy, i would go to a shop and come out with a halimos number
the secret to getting girls? let them know they disgust you, the more you mistreat them, look down on them, indifferent, the more they like you,
i would dress so well at restaurant in london somali female waters would be gob smacked, i was sexy, tall, handsome and i was rude, but not ass hole rude, she indifferent rude, careless, i was blunt, i would walk up to girls and say excuse me, what are you doing next Tuesday, no hello, no your nice, etc, just straight blunt, direct, and i knew i was sexy, handsome, i was arrogant, cocky,
if you want girls, be cocky, indifferent, never be nice, be rude, look down at her and never ever break eye contact first, stair at her like you own her, deep down they like it, remember they work with satan, then be super direct, say she is gorgeous and you want to spend time with her, then keep silent,t let her decide, t do not break an awkward moment sh is testing you, who speaks first is weak,
one foot in, one foot out, never show obsession with a female, always be ready to walk out and let her know,
Lol, so women are the handmaidens of Satan. Wow.