Why do we still have qabil in the political system in somalia

I want to kick the clan elders out of the political system and abolish qabil from Somalia and somaliweyn.
qabil can be a good thing but it has put brother against brother so it causes more harm than good.
Somalia needs a new political system and more democratic one that the people can control and not some clan elders or corrupt leaders who only seek benefits for themself or their qabil.
"huh? listen langaab my qabiil is my country warya also my nose is smaller than yours"

Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
Should have put midgaan
Madhiban are the most peaceful Somalis. What's with you guys hating madhiban for no reason?

It's the major clans who turned this country into a shithole and are still holding back with their reer baadiyo mentality.


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
Madhiban are the most peaceful Somalis. What's with you guys hating madhiban for no reason?

It's the major clans who turned this country into a shithole and are still holding back with their reer baadiyo mentality.
I don't hate them bro chill

Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
2 questions why are they hated and why is it offensive
There are still Somalis who discriminate against them because of ignorance. They believe in a fake origin stories.

I don't know the meaning behind the word but they call themselves madhibaan or gabooye.


Give it time
Time is the best cure to our ailment
We are trending upwards and all these issues will be a thing of the past in the coming decade.
It’s very important that u think positive :)

