Why do Westerners especially Europeans hate Erdogan like he’s Hitler 2.0?

Erdogan is a failure. He has been in Somalia for the last 10 years and the security situation in Mogadishu has barely improved and the people are still starving. I would much rather Somalia form ties with a country like France, then we will be stable and safe like Djibouti and attract tourists to our country just like them.
Are you retarded? Do you not see what France has done to its neocolonial assets? Somalia has been in a 30+ years of civil war and lacks political stabilty and these French ran countries in West Africa are not even that much better off then us despite the head start since all France has done for them is drain them of there resources which they have plenty of and stifle any resistance from the leadership with "coups" and French mercenaries/hitmen.

Djbouti is "safe" because its a glorified military base for every big nation in the world it literally know for being the place with the most foreign military bases in the world. France has done nothing for them and djbouti has nothing to give anyways besides it's strategic location which it's leader gave out to keep djbouti independent from ethiopian aggression and potential unity with somalia in the future.

And we don't want our economy to run on tourism. That would infact be bad for us as a people.
Erdogan is a failure. He has been in Somalia for the last 10 years and the security situation in Mogadishu has barely improved and the people are still starving. I would much rather Somalia form ties with a country like France, then we will be stable and safe like Djibouti and attract tourists to our country just like them.
Why you guys relying on a Turk to feed,protect and clothe you, stupids Adoons

What embarassment you guys are to your ancestors
Erdogan is a failure. He has been in Somalia for the last 10 years and the security situation in Mogadishu has barely improved and the people are still starving. I would much rather Somalia form ties with a country like France, then we will be stable and safe like Djibouti and attract tourists to our country just like them.

The problem isnt erdogan its alshabab u wont get tourist there with them there


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Maxaa ka galay if westerners don't like him. He doesn't like westerners. The feeling is mutual. The many millions of Turks in the west don't like him either. He's polling behind the opposition so even his own countrymen don't like him.


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