Why I am a pan Africanist while Somalis have decided to despise other Africans

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I was with a Ugandan today and he has told me so many great things about the Somali community in that country. Basically 30 minutes of praising the Somali people. The only bad thing he told me was that the millionaire Somali lady is corrupt and is good friends with the Ugandan president's wife.

Anyone else notice how only other fellow Africans like Somalis? Why do we ignore them and even insult them and claim we have no ties to them?


Gaalkacyo Gangster
We don't claim to have no ties with them, we just claim that we're not the same as them (i.e. not bantu), which is obvious to anyone with eyes. I love my fellow African peoples.

Bait thread. Warya, stop trolling and start being a proper Mod.
We don't claim to have no ties with them, we just claim that we're not the same as them (i.e. not bantu), which is obvious to anyone with eyes. I love my fellow African peoples.

Bait thread. Warya, stop trolling and start being a proper Mod.

I have almost 15,000 posts. I'm a contributor first, mod second.

I'm a good mod. Too bad you can't see that. You're biased lol
Africans insult Somalis also, don't just highlight what Somalis say.

Generally Africans living in western countries and some in Africa don't think Somalis are black or indeed 'real Africans'. They don't think were one of them, but we don't care because Africa is a continent and isn't dominated by the Bantus alone.

Your somali yourself one positive conversation with a fellow African doesn't hide the fact - Somalis are discriminated.
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Gaalkacyo Gangster
I have almost 15,000 posts. I'm a contributor first, mod second.

I'm a good mod. Too bad you can't see that. You're biased lol
Typical AbdiJohnson thread: Why are Somalis so shit? Not me though, I'm better than you subhumans. Nice "contribution".

Change your gimmick. I haven't even been here that long and even I'm tiring of it.






SOME people on this forum need to take notes still
Hating on Africans and on African Americans when you yourself are a Somali.

SOME people on this forum need to take notes still
Hating on Africans and on African Americans when you yourself are a Somali.
I agree :icon e biggrin: We should be like them and hate on whites only


Who here are hating though?:hmm: Did you literally just see African/Bantu mentioned and get triggered?
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