why the Ogaden of 1977-78 was one of the main reasons of the collapse of the powerful Somalia

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Somalia made the following blunders
1.trust the Americans who were supplying weapons to the Ethiopians while pretending to be allies with Somalia
2.cut ties with Russia which you should never do

Kindly start by reading your own article. Siad Barre and the Kacaan kicked the US out of Somalia in 1969, right after they accepted an exclusive Russian patronage deal. The US and Somalia had no formal relationship from 1969 until 1977. When the Russians switched sides because of the Derg coming to power in Ethiopia, Barre came crawling back to the US for support. Carter was, understandably, wary, and eventually ended giving Barre even small arms because of the bombings of the Issaq. Ally is probably not the right word.


"In 1977, Somalia attacked the Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia in an effort to incorporate the area's ethnic Somali population. The Ethiopians were eventually able to repel the attack with large-scale Soviet military support and 20,000 Cuban troops. Zbigniew Brzezinski, then-National Security Advisor under President Jimmy Carter, has since claimed that this conflict sparked the end of dΓ©tente with the Soviet Union and the renewal of the Cold War.
From the late 1970s until just before Siad Barre's overthrow in early 1991, the U.S. sent hundreds of millions of dollars of arms to Somalia in return for the use of military facilities which had been originally constructed for the Soviets. These bases were to be used to support American military intervention in the Middle East. The consequences of U.S. military support for the Barre regime on the Somali people was deemed of little importance by American policymakers. The U.S. government ignored warnings throughout the 1980s by Africa specialists, human rights groups and humanitarian organizations that continued American aid to the dictatorial government of Siad Barre would eventually plunge Somalia into chaos."


On 14 November 1977. The Ethiopian launched a major counter
offensive operations in the northern front, starting with probing
attacks around the Jijiga area. The counter offensive operations
were supported by the Cubans and the Russians, who had been flown
into Ethiopia prior to the invasion. In fact, Russia's Army-
General Vasily Petrov, at that time First Deputy Commander of the
Soviet Ground Forces, is reported to have planned and directed
the operations.


According to Somali General Galal, Russian Admiral Gorshakov ordered the beginning of the war, before the Derg came to power, because the Russians were upset the US had taken over their bases in Egypt and the attack was seen as being against an American ally. This changed.

The part the US played in the Kacaan fiasco came as a result of supporting Barre. As far as the US was concerned, Carter was just renting bases to be used against Russian control of the Red Sea shipping lanes, and US "aid" ended before the collapse of the regime.

The saddest part of this is that General Galal says Russian General Petrov offered Barre the Ogaden if he would halt the invasion of the highlands, but Barre rejected this. Only then did Petrov organize the fight against the Somalis.

Read the full article

Somalia made the following blunders
1.trust the Americans who were supplying weapons to the Ethiopians while pretending to be allies with Somalia
2.cut ties with Russia which you should never do

It was said, Siad (AUN) and the Somali army where ready to invade 10 year before, Haile was weak and corrupt then, but the mistake was, we waited until Ethiopia became a Soviet Ally.
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In 1967 Aden Adde Osman Daar was president of Somalia. I was teaching English in Jilib. The US had trained and armed the police force. The Russians had trained and armed the Army. The Kacaan wasn't until 1969.

Barre attacked Ethiopia on Russian orders when Ethiopia was still an ostensible American ally. The NSA had already destroyed the Ethiopian army before Petrov switched sides. See above.

This all needs to be seen within the context of the Carter Doctrine and the Cold War:




I got boomer connections
It was soviet & U.S cold war games.

Somalia should have just armed the ogadens & let them fight.
Siad Barre made a terrible mistake when he invaded Ethiopia in 1977, he did not know that Cubans and Soviets would crush his army.
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