American Wignat Gets Utterly Triggered By A White Woman Being With An Indian Man In Poland!

he didn't show inch of agression or defensive against that racist what coward
if he did he would be plastered over all of the right winger's pages. He is a coward tho. Nigga got called a bio weapon and didnt do shit.
Langaab's will still twerk for white poeple lol :deadpeter:


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
he didn't show inch of agression or defensive against that racist what coward
He looks more dumbfounded then anything. If some white man started yelling at me in German and shouting Abdi every few sentences in an IKEA I’d be confused too :ftw9nwa:


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
Proof American alt righters are mentally ill beyond belief. This isn’t Canada with a million fobs storming in every year and he isn’t ethnically polish. This ajnabi feels entitled to another ajnabis kitty kat because she shares the same skin colour as him? La hawla :faysalwtf::mjlol::drakelaugh:


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
Proof American alt righters are mentally ill beyond belief. This isn’t Canada with a million fobs storming in every year and he isn’t ethnically polish. This ajnabi feels entitled to another ajnabis kitty kat because she shares the same skin colour as him? La hawla :faysalwtf::mjlol::drakelaugh:
These American white supremacists are the black version of panafricans.

They idealise EVROPA like it's their motherland. Like black Americans do with Africa they ignore all the different people in the continent got nothing to do with each other.
It's just how Americans view the world
I’ve seen posts by Somalis calling Indians panjeets and comparing India to Bangladesh or Pakistan and thinking we are in a place to talk shit to Indians wallahi my people are so embarrassing you will never see Kenyans, Ethiopians or Eritreans doing that.
I’ve seen posts by Somalis calling Indians panjeets and comparing India to Bangladesh or Pakistan and thinking we are in a place to talk shit to Indians wallahi my people are so embarrassing you will never see Kenyans, Ethiopians or Eritreans doing that.
They started this, they started comparing a picture from their shithole place, asked if this is Somalis or Bangladesh, and I haven’t forgotten their prime ministers uses Somalia as a punching bag
I’ve seen posts by Somalis calling Indians panjeets and comparing India to Bangladesh or Pakistan and thinking we are in a place to talk shit to Indians wallahi my people are so embarrassing you will never see Kenyans, Ethiopians or Eritreans doing that.
we gave those pajeets hunderds of chances to hop off our tip, they didnt listen, now they xaar infested state is getting cooked by somalis of all people and we are winning lol.