Wikileake about ethiopia invasion of somalia 2006

@Arkan ibwas in xamar in 2006 and i experianced first hand about the batle imo i remember as kid ethioians runing aways from the falen comrades on batle retreating πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the locals come out and drag their bodies its was our local district deyinle howlwadaag murisade and hg did heavy weight of the war abagl its mostly dawuud militia were in the war.
Take leson do the same in awdal


@Arkan ibwas in xamar in 2006 and i experianced first hand about the batle imo i remember as kid ethioians runing aways from the falen comrades on batle retreating πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the locals come out and drag their bodies its was our local district deyinle howlwadaag murisade and hg did heavy weight of the war abagl its mostly dawuud militia were in the war.
Take leson do the same in awdal
At that time I was in Addis Ababa πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


β™šSargon of Adalβ™š
"The arrival of the Oromo tribes from the south caused great disruption to the Somali tribes weakened tribes and the Christian Abyssinians. After the Muslim and Christians exhausted themselves with their ongoing wars; the newly arrived Oromos entered Ifat/Adal region (i.e. Dire Dawa & Harar region). The arrival of the Oromo tribes caused renewed conflict. According to Gurgura elders from Dir Dawa; such Abdullahi Giricho, recall that Gurgure wadaads advised the Gurgure warriors to wage war on the Oromo Ala & Obora, for three days. After the three day war, the Gurgura's successful war against the newly arrived Oromos saved the Nolle from the Ala and Obora. The small Nolle tribe became allies of the Gurgura and pay blood money with them during conflicts with.

Oromo political organizations sought to coerce the Oromo speaking Gurgure in the rural villages of Dire Dawa and Oromia region, to get them to identify themselves as Oromo for their political, land grabbing and made up census propaganda though they belong to and identified as Gurgura Somalis. Oromo elders claimed that "the Gurgura people who speak the Oromo language belong to the Oromo nation and they only started to identify themselves with the Somali after the 1974 change of the Haile Selassie regime" though Somali's strongly disagree."

If you give them an inch, they take a mile, never trust them, we won't be making the same mistakes as other Dir clans.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Bro this has nothing to do with Isaaq. They are our Somali brothers. Our anger and hate is geared towards Bixi and his gang.
100%. Why we pushing away our folks and trying to incite more violence. Doesn't that make us even weaker πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
People gotta think sometimes


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty

Who would've thought :farmajoyaab:
These two bald retards should be Thrown off a cliff

