Will the ban on TikTok in Somalia affect your day-to-day life?


Guul iyo Gobanimo

Winnie The Pooh Happy Dance GIF by Leon Denise
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Baning Tiktok would actually save us from ever seeing those degenrate contents being posted there but Telegram shouldn't be banned regardless if gruesome war vids are shared there.
Yes bro, I need the laughs, somalis back home are hilarious, no filter 🤣🤣🤣

There’re Somalis in Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia and diaspora. It’s our time to shine now and get rid of Somalia’s monopoly on Somali media :rejoice:

Also, people may have access to VPN and could circumvent the ban.
Let’s see what their gov’t says first and if they choose to comply.

They may even challenge the legality of this decree.
I think it's all of Somalia since the central government is the only internationally recognized government.

🤣 It will be interesting to see if it applies to all of Somalia. Some regions will probably be upset because it's one of the most effective tools for spreading propaganda, especially during times of war.

Waa arki doona
I think it's all of Somalia since the central government is the only internationally recognized government.

🤣 It will be interesting to see if it applies to all of Somalia. Some regions will probably be upset because it's one of the most effective tools for spreading propaganda, especially during times of war.

Waa arki doona

True, FGS is the only recognized gov’t of the entire country. But right now, they can’t fully execute their power in those FMS.

FGS will most likely turn towards internet providers and direct those companies to enforce this ban.

Regarding the social media warriors, many of them are diasporas feeding the locals. This will certainly decrease their influence with fewer content views. Remember, Facebook is the most popular social media platform in Somalia, which will remain unbanned and thus have minimal effect. Especially when many will now head over there.
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El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Alhamdulillah, my prayers have been answered.

The internet and its ills need to be limited. The somali social media spaces are toxic and serve no good.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Through the telecom companies that provide the Internet. Hormuud, Telesom, Somtel, Golis, etc.

They need to also ban the VPN apps to put an end to it all.
May Allah bless them

