Wolf whistling considered a hate crime in Nottinghamshire UK

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Feminism on steroids, how is it that a woman puts on make-up & dresses a certain way to get attention, some women find it offensive but some women enjoy the attention, what say you?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You could now be arrested for simply shouting out 'Oi get your breasts out' kkkk waawaareey the situation is critical dheh
A hate crime? That's a weird use for that legislation isn't it. Hate crimes are real and serious; wolf whistling is not. At best it would be harassment of some sort, but even then it would have to be for a sustained period of time which isn't likely to take place in the average wolf whistling scenario. I'm overthinking this. Overall, I think it's weird and unwittingly lowers the seriousness of real hate crimes by grouping them in with this.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You can't control yourselves, the law has to put y'll in order? :kanyehmm:
But some women like the attention otherwise why go through all that trouble of wearing mini skirts during snow & high heels leaving their feet in excruciating pain, I get some guys could be obnoxious but it's 2016 not 1984


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Dave chapelle put it masterfully here on women sending men the wrong message by how they dress.


But some women like the attention otherwise why go through all that trouble of wearing mini skirts during snow & high heels leaving their feet in excruciating pain, I get some guys could be obnoxious but it's 2016 not 1984
The only way this could've been moved into law = they were getting a high prominence of police complaints and manpower put into it along with other more serious residual issues steming from it, all without being able to prosecute the source. Law 101.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
I don't know why you men think that women dress in a certain way to please you. Get your heads out of your asses.


I don't know why you men think that women dress in a certain way to please you. Get your heads out of your asses.
We don't think that, we know that. Are you telling me you would wear short skirts if you host a female-only gathering in your own house?
Do girls wear high heels (which causes them pain) to impress women? Xishood nayaa kkkk
We don't think that, we know that. Are you telling me you would wear short skirts if you host a female-only gathering in your own house?
Do girls wear high heels (which causes them pain) to impress women? Xishood nayaa kkkk

Women absolutely 100% do dress up to impress and outdo each other. Are you kidding me? And how many straight men would care about a nice pair of manolo blahniks?


Women absolutely 100% do dress up to impress and outdo each other. Are you kidding me? And how many straight men would care about a nice pair of manolo blahniks?
:mjlol:Seems the guy has absolutely no idea what goes down at his own wahabbi-supported Abubakr Al-Bahghdadi approved women-only type events (dressing to the 9's and 11's!), which I guess is a good thing. :zhqjlmx:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The only way this could've been moved into law = they were getting a high prominence of police complaints and manpower put into it along with other more serious residual issues steming from it, all without being able to prosecute the source. Law 101.
I doubt it very much that you've actually watched the video & no there's no sense of urgency in this matter in particular in Nottinghamshire, it's not widespread.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Women absolutely 100% do dress up to impress and outdo each other. Are you kidding me? And how many straight men would care about a nice pair of manolo blahniks?
In the words of the great philanthropist, scholar, doctor, professor Dave chapelle 'you might not be a but you're most certainly wearing a s uniform' :ftw9nwa:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I don't know why you men think that women dress in a certain way to please you. Get your heads out of your asses.
Why do you wear makeup again? Why do you wear weaves? Why do you wear mini skirts when the weather is sub-zero? Why do women get plastic surgery? Breast & butt enlargement...please enlighten us.
Women prefer to please other women than men.

This is why a random woman will appear naked infront of other women before she will a man. They show off their breasts and bodies.
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