Women and khat

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Has anybody noticed women who chew are easier to get laid? @UncleMenace @iNutEasily
explain this phenomenon. I have date tomorrow in Batalaale beach. Can you tell me any
private spots? Perhaps the outskirts of the beach?
Has anybody noticed women who chew are easier to get laid? @UncleMenace @iNutEasily
explain this phenomenon. I have date tomorrow in Batalaale beach. Can you tell me any
private spots? Perhaps the outskirts of the beach?

where is batalaale beach? is that in berbera? :patrice:

from what i recall, the women in berbera were quite open and easy to get along with. :obama:

Me and my cousin went swimming during the day, holla'd at 2 women who were swimming and linked up with them in the evening for baasto :lol:

the hotel i wanted to bring em back to wasn't the spot though so i had to wait to link up with em back in hargeisa. Unfortunately when they eventually did come to hargeisa i was back in north america and so my cuzzin ended up smashin the one i wanted :manny:

but that city is pretty open. You can go anywhere and do your ting adeer.
You can get laid in Hargeisa far more easier. Hargeisa has become a giant playboy village, where any guy with a little cash in his pocket can literally f*ck 10 girls at the same time. All you need is rent a diaspora-built 4 bedroom house for 150 dollars a month and you will literally bang your way to sleep. 4 girls, each girl in a room.

Berbera is a very small town, everybody knows everybody. Hargeisa has become a big city, easier to stay anonymous.
You can get laid in Hargeisa far more easier. Hargeisa has become a giant playboy village, where any guy with a little cash in his pocket can literally f*ck 10 girls at the same time. All you need is rent a diaspora-built 4 bedroom house for 150 dollars a month and you will literally bang your way to sleep. 4 girls, each girl in a room.

Berbera is a very small town, everybody knows everybody. Hargeisa has become a big city, easier to stay anonymous.

facts. Crazy thing is, the women outthere know the game. :francis:

There are some serious female players outthere. Saw it live in flesh. :whoo:


@iNutEasily If it is a liberal city sound good then. Will check out. @Kalshaale True I am not a playboy though, only 1 or 2 is enough.
Me and my cousin are taking two girls to the beach (both are fine as hell and they chew as well).
@iNutEasily If it is a liberal city sound good then. Will check out. @Kalshaale True I am not a playboy though, only 1 or 2 is enough.
Me and my cousin are taking two girls to the beach (both are fine as hell and they chew as well).

i wouldn't say its a more liberal city. I was actually more cautious being there then i was in hargeisa. The women we approached were surprisingly receptive and actually quite aggressive. Came to pick us up, took us out to eat and everything. Had me like :gladbron::leon:

i will tell you this though adeer. Let them girls swim. When their wet clothes press up on their body and you see the silhouette of their curves :wow:


@iNutEasily The ones we are taking out said they want to wear bikinis in the beach. They are wild AF. What I want to know
is how come the women here love romance related things too much, is there something in the water?
@iNutEasily The ones we are taking out told they want to wear bikinis in the beach. They are wild AF. What I want to know
is how come the women here love romance related things too much, is there something in the water?

bikinis? :damn:

in somaliland? :damn:

fam, keep those women in check if you ain't tryna get in trouble. :ufdup:They gonne put u in an awkward situation with folks from the city.

and romance? :russ:

that's for them domestic niggas. :mjpls:Qurbajoog niggas don't play that shyt. :fredo:

i remember these girls one day were talkin about jeceyl and shyt and asked if i ever wanted to be in love. Told em i was already in love with someone and it is Chelsea FC :denzelnigga:(@DiricLover)

they started laughin hysterically cuz they couldn't believe me...but i was dead serious. :dwill:


Your superior
You can get laid in Hargeisa far more easier. Hargeisa has become a giant playboy village, where any guy with a little cash in his pocket can literally f*ck 10 girls at the same time. All you need is rent a diaspora-built 4 bedroom house for 150 dollars a month and you will literally bang your way to sleep. 4 girls, each girl in a room.

Berbera is a very small town, everybody knows everybody. Hargeisa has become a big city, easier to stay anonymous.

have you been to Hargeisa? cajiib, I thought you was a darod and disliked isaaq


not so sad after all
^mercury's right "all of ummah will be forgive except those who commit sin openly. a man does something at night and Allaah conceals it, but in the morning he says, last night I did such and such.’ His Lord had covered his sin all night, but in the morning he removed the cover of Allaah." maybe keep your escapades private and not post on a public forum?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
^mercury's right "all of ummah will be forgive except those who commit sin openly. a man does something at night and Allaah conceals it, but in the morning he says, last night I did such and such.’ His Lord had covered his sin all night, but in the morning he removed the cover of Allaah." maybe keep your escapades private and not post on a public forum?

But what I think is worse than zina is the blatant exposure of one's sins If a man wants to commit zina with a woman, then this sin is between him and Allah. He has no right to be bragging to his others that he slept with so-and-so, because all this will do is legitimize this sin and make it normal. And that is a VERY serious sin.

We are supposed to hide our sins, and be aware of the serious nature of what we are doing


not so sad after all
But what I think is worse than zina is the blatant exposure of one's sins If a man wants to commit zina with a woman, then this sin is between him and Allah. He has no right to be bragging to his others that he slept with so-and-so, because all this will do is legitimize this sin and make it normal. And that is a VERY serious sin.

We are supposed to hide our sins, and be aware of the serious nature of what we are doing
exactly. I'll bet a lot of he guys on here who brag are probably good kids in real life who feel pressured to act like players on the internet to fit in bcs of threads like these


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
exactly. I'll bet a lot of he guys on here who brag are probably good kids in real life who feel pressured to act like players on the internet to fit in bcs of threads like these
its funny ppl are born to be different why even fit in
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