Women should NEVER have entered the WORLD OF WORK


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
With their entry into the world of work, we ended up with a demand for employment that almost doubled. It temporarily produced increased purchasing power for the first ones who got into the scam, then the prices adapted to average incomes > "couple workers" :)

And result after a few decades we work together for the price of a single salary. The biggest kisses of the case are the single people who today are precarious where they would have had a normal salary in the past.
To become the owner of a house today you have to go into debt as a couple :)

-Once they submitted to the bosses, they let go of the family, which destroyed the society around them and brought about the consumer, individualistic society that we know. Today we notice that the demography is weak among the whites, that they only wish to enjoy by consuming.

-Before, an ordinary man alone could support his whole family by working and even buy several properties throughout his life, today unless he is part of the top 10% of the richest in the country, it is not possible , and still even like that you can claim only a house in the countryside.
The quality of life back then was a lot lower. I dont know what you think the 50s was like but i guarantee it's different to what ur thinking.

Also the logic of less workers , meaning each worker is more paid doesnt make sense. Adding another worker doesnt mean you are sharing your work with that person. Work isnt finite, look at lump of labor policy.

But yeah, i do agree women shouldnt have joined the labor force for other reasons. I pray the incoming AI revolution changes the types of jobs that are viable. I am mostly hoping for the demise of HR .
Why are you @ing me :russ:

I ain't no feminists I already had a discussion/argument with @Angelina along these lines if you want buuq you should @ her this is a discussion she would like to partake in.

My wife ain't gonna even be working. I don't support the concept of women in the work force in the first place with the exception of a few roles.
preferably women shouldn't have to resort to having to work out of necessity but the world's economy is a mess and everyone has there own personal situations so not everyone has the luxury to wait for a guy to come along and provide for them when most people can barely provide for themselves.


Why are you @ing me :russ:

I ain't no feminists I already had a discussion/argument with @Angelina along these lines if you want buuq you should @ her this is a discussion she would like to partake in.

My wife ain't gonna even be working. I don't support the concept of women in the work force in the first place with the exception of a few roles preferably women shouldn't have to resort to having to work out of necessity but the world's economy is a mess and everyone has there own personal sistations and can't wait for a guy to come along and provide for them if most people can barely provide for themselves.
Damn you not feminist good for you an really happy. When did you stop being feminist was it last year or couple of years?
Why are you @ing me :russ:

I ain't no feminists I already had a discussion/argument with @Angelina along these lines if you want buuq you should @ her this is a discussion she would like to partake in.

My wife ain't gonna even be working. I don't support the concept of women in the work force in
Women have always been in the work force. Men only now have a problem when women aren’t doing dirty or degrading work. You’d have no issues with women being maids, factory workers or mucking it in the fields. But lawyers, teacher and doctors is too much.
the first place with the exception of a few roles.
preferably women shouldn't have to resort to having to work out of necessity but the world's economy is a mess and everyone has there own personal situations so not everyone has the luxury to wait for a guy to come along and provide for them if most people can barely provide for themselves.
You might not always be there for her. So stopping for from making money is silly. It’s not as if she can fall back on brothers and fathers. Most can’t afford to feed more than their immediate family. A smart man would at least try and get her to start her own online business, or remote working ect.
Women have always worked. Only ahistorical sexist redpillers and those that aren’t very bright think all women stayed at home.

Btw, society didn’t just open to women, it also opened up to working class men and men of color. So most of the jobs I wouldn’t be able to do as a woman in the past, YOU a Farah wouldn’t have been allowed to do as well.

But we’d be both allowed to toil in factories.

Give up those arguments, especially as a man of color and working class one to boot. Do something productive for once.


Women have always been in the work force. Men only now have a problem when women aren’t doing dirty or degrading work. You’d have no issues with women being maids, factory workers or mucking it in the fields. But lawyers, teacher and doctors is too much.

You might not always be there for her. So stopping for from making money is silly. It’s not as if she can fall back on brothers and fathers. Most can’t afford to feed more than their immediate family. A smart man would at least try and get her to start her own online business, or remote working ect.
But maid women do the best cleaning job 100x better than men.
Women have always been in the work force. Men only now have a problem when women aren’t doing dirty or degrading work. You’d have no issues with women being maids, factory workers or mucking it in the fields. But lawyers, teacher and doctors is too much.

You might not always be there for her. So stopping for from making money is silly. It’s not as if she can fall back on brothers and fathers. Most can’t afford to feed more than their immediate family. A smart man would at least try and get her to start her own online business, or remote working ect.
I'm talking about ideally and I already fleshed out all of what I meant by this with you previously.
why do you keep acting brand new and putting words in my mouth I can't be bothered with the constant rehashing I have to do with you every time we have a discussion because for some reason you have forgotten all the context from our previous discussions on the same topics.

Confused Always Sunny GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

I never said women where never in the work force I said I don't support the concept of women being in the work force.
Stop fantasising about the past. Life for the vast majority of men has always been shit and cope. Only decent looking well off men lived good lives for the most part. I guess nowadays at least you have more access to distractions and copes (leisure, vidya, other haram avenues) but they’re futile wastes of time that’ll send you to hell.

Just stop complaining and accept that this earthly life is miserable suffering. It’s not a big deal.
I'm talking about ideally and I already fleshed out all of what I meant by this with you previously.
why do you keep acting brand new and putting words in my mouth I can't be bothered with the constant rehashing I have to do with you every time we have a discussion because for some reason you have forgotten all the context from our previous discussions on the same topics.

Confused Always Sunny GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

I never said women where never in the work force I said I don't support the concept of women being in the work force.
Women make up society and it’s virtually impossible to have a society devoid of women not working. Even during the time of the Prophet s.a.w some women worked. It simply goes against human history to never have women ‘working’. It’s a fantasy.


For US colonization of Somalia|Trudeau4Prison
Staff Member
Some women leave the workforce after they have kids and return when they are in middle school. The ones who remain after 30-35 are the masculine ones.
Women make up society and it’s virtually impossible to have a society devoid of women not working. Even during the time of the Prophet s.a.w some women worked. It simply goes against human history to never have women ‘working’. It’s a fantasy.
Hence the word "ideally" and like I already said I have already hashed this all out to you in the past your arguing past me at the moment none of this is relevant to me because I never made any arguments to challenge in this thread in the first place.

It's either you have terrible memory or your just coming in and having bad faith discussions for the sake of having them. I'm not gonna engage in this in either situation.

If you have bad memory you can just go back to our previous discussions for context before engaging or if I feel like engaging I'll entertain rehashing it all but right now I don't feel like it.
If your coming here in bad faith then just stop because I'm not gonna engage with that no point.
Some women leave the workforce after they have kids and return when they are in middle school. The ones who remain after 30-35 are the masculine ones.
ThAt used to be the case and the ideal situation, but even in the ME, women are dropping their 2 yr olds to nursery or leaving them with a trusted maid, forget London, Toronto and the West in general.
They're masculine acting then. No feminine woman wants to work unless forced.
Ew, social media has terms such as femininity, masculinity, high value, low value on a chokehold over us. People will dish that out without exercising any form of critical thinking. Firstly yes, many are forced to, secondly, has it ever occurred to you that some people may enjoy their job? Why is it more feminine for a woman to enjoy the mundane task of scrubbing the floors ( which hardly any woman does enjoy) and yes it’s a job, than let’s say teaching children or any other activities that may require us to use our minds or creativity whilst simultaneously lining our pockets?

When we think a little deeper, you’d know it’s much more than masculinity or femininity. Humans simply get bored of repetition and being starved of adult human contact the whole day.

But hey, men seem to know more about being feminine than women it seems.
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For US colonization of Somalia|Trudeau4Prison
Staff Member
Ew, social media has terms femininity, masculinity, high value, low value on a chokehold. People will dish that out without exercising any form of critical thinking. Firstly yes, many are forced to, secondly, has it ever occurred to you that some people may enjoy their job? Why is it more feminine for a woman to enjoy the mundane task of scrubbing the floors which is yes a job, than let’s say teaching children or any other activities that may require us to use our minds or creativity?

When we think a little deeper, you’d know it’s much more than masculinity or femininity. Humans simply get bored of repetition and being starved of adult human contact the whole day.

Many are actually not forced to unless they are from poor households. In many cases, there's no point working a second job since all that money will go towards work related expenses anyway (gas, insurance, daycare, lunches out, extras, etc). Usually, a part time job at the maximum will suffice. I think that's why there are so many crazy, angry kids these days. They have been robbed the human right of a stay at home mom. I read someone online saying their mother was a social worker and she gave all her softness and empathy and nurturing to her clients but at home she was stressed and lashed out at her kids expecting them to do all the chores. So ironic. She didn't need to work because their dad was doing OK. That's absolutely nuts. Her clients won't remember but her kids definently will when she's a senior.

