World war 3 and 4 is about to happen!

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
The Jews hate Trump and his alt-right fanboys. The media is normalizing the nazi meeting that happened in D.C this week.

Shit is about to go down!

Jew Americans control the money and businesses in America. These idiot nazi es don't know what's about to hit them.



Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Fanstastic! White people should slaughter each other out of existence. But then who will keep these brain dead people in check?
Ivanka Trump is a Jew and so are Trumps grandchildren :axvmm9o: American Jews will do whatever it takes for money, just like the ones who served the Nazis during WW2. They're biggest bond is money.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Lol, all this time and people still don't get it. The Jews have people on both sides, so whatever happens they'll come out fine.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
See that neo nazi thread man. I have a feeling that muslims are about the Jews of America. Good thing I'm down here down under. Gl American plebs, enjoy what comes next kkkk.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Smh. Let me enjoy my latte and conspiracy theory in peace.
I hope the Jews wake up on these alt right a.k.a the nazis and make them pay!

@Discontinous you disgusting blob. Invanka wouldn't let her dog hump you let alone look at your way. Know your place.
@Reiko I hope that's the case, I just think trump is too pro Israel to do anything to counter the Jews world dominance....

I will be keeping a close eye on him, this is the same guy who said I will give Jerusalem to the Jews as their new Capitol city.....

Don't get your hopes up, his a business man he won't rock the built that feeds him and his daughters Jewish husband and kids

Salty about what exactly. You and invanka? Loooool

I will live!
Why do you always try to knock me for the past 2 months? Before that you adore me even.

Didn't you know my throne is made of pure gold :siilaanyosmile: You can't knock me down eedo
If people in Israel think Trump will be good for them and better than Obama then that says something.
Obama donated 3 billion a year to them and they still think he was not good to them? Damn I wonder what Trump will do for them.
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