Would you abort the baby if you found out the baby has down syndrome?

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Or any thing that is similar. Parents will always abort the baby of even the slightest issue. They don't want more bills and the stress if caring for onem

I personally wouldn't if I was a straight woman.
Or any thing that is similar. Parents will always abort the baby of even the slightest issue. They don't want more bills and the stress if caring for onem

I personally wouldn't if I was a straight woman.

The Islam allowed the abortion till 4 months after 4 months passed no abortion go Islam online to read about it and I will bring the links
Some sages or scholars, however, were of the opinion that abortion is permissible up to a certain point—some arguing that abortion is permissible up to 40 or 42 days (this is the position of some Shafi’i jurists) or up to 120 days (the position of some Shafi’i and Hanafi jurists). But most of the jurists who argued for the permissibility of abortion (whether under the 40, 42, or 120 day rule) also contended that unless justified by a health necessity, abortions are reprehensible or disfavored (makruh).

I want to stress that the crux of the matter for the jurists who did allow abortion centered around the issue of when or at what point the embryo becomes a human being or is endowed with a soul. Different jurists relied on or were persuaded by different kinds of evidence, but fundamentally, it is this belief about when an embryo or fetus becomes a human being—or can be said to possess life that justified the different time limits (whether 40, 42, or 120 days


. . .
Since when was abortion allowed @Canuck ? The only exception would be if the mother's life as at risk. That's my understanding of it.

@AbdiJohnson i work in a hospital and I've seen many Down syndrome babies. Ofcourse there's many things u need to consider but they are the most adorable beautiful babies ever. So no I wouldn't. We actually have a Somali neighbour who have a child like that and Mashallah he's amazing.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
No I wouldn't abort God forbid.

Babies need love no matter what they suffer from. What kind of mother aborts her child especially a child that needs her the most.
I'd advise my wife to abort if the child was severely disabled. But the decision would ultimately rest with her as its her body and I'd respect whatever decision she decides to go ahead with.


Jet life till my next life
It's not my decision, I would let her decide the fate of the child since she will be taking care of him/her the most!


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
It's not my decision, I would let her decide the fate of the child since she will be taking care of him/her the most!

Ain't it your child too wtf you have just as much vested interest as her. You'll be paying bills to feed the kid

To answer the thread, I always say be careful what you wish for, children, whatever nature they come in, are a blessing from Allah period.


Suicidal men adore me.
Hard to say. I've seen families struggle with disabled children and seen it brake families. I'm leaning towards yes.


Or any thing that is similar. Parents will always abort the baby of even the slightest issue. They don't want more bills and the stress if caring for onem

I personally wouldn't if I was a straight woman.

Gay women have babies too.

Back to the topic. Too heartbreaking, I honestly don't know.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Man abortion sounds so fucked up wallahi. Unless she was raped I see no reason to abort.

Oh no! I'm pregnant. Well you should've closed those damn legs abaha was.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Babies are blessing from allah whether they are disabled or not. I would never think of abortion.
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