Would you live in a house that someone was murdered in?

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Or would you sleep in a a room where someone died in their sleep or had a heart attack or something?

Cadaans never do this.

It is common to see houses sell less than what it is worth because someone has been murdered in it.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I would sleep there even if it had a quadruple murder and suicide if it was cheaper.
it doesn't matter to me aslong as they completely re-do the place. i don't believe in spirits and ghosts since when people die their just worm food. none of that shit scares me.
I would only be OK if someone died in a normal way. But murders.... I wouldn't live there.

Cadaans go the extra mile though. They bulldozed the house where that Latino guy kidnapped a few girls and chained them up for over a decade until they escaped
Or would you sleep in a a room where someone died in their sleep or had a heart attack or something?

Cadaans never do this.

It is common to see houses sell less than what it is worth because someone has been murdered in it.

Right now you are walking/sleeping/living on graves of ancient people!!!
Every part of this dunya is covered with the blood of people who died. Does it make a difference if they were surrounded by wood or not?
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