Would you pay $10 to have your eyes cleaned this traditional but disturbing way?

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:faysalwtf:That's how u get chlamydia of the eye!

I searched this fuckery to fact-check all the things that could go wrong, and apparently it was a fad for a while in Japan to lick ppls eyeballs you were dating as a show of affection :leon:

And yes, it indeed lead to an epidemic of young ppl rapidly transmitting pinkeye and the goddamn herp to their peers:jcoleno:

There's something inherently off-putting about it, but looks interesting tho. :mjpls:

Sure babe, if you're clean and sterile, you can lick me right in the looker:damn:

The things ppl come up with.
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Years to look forward to


Humans are actually fucking gross all around when you think about what breeding ground for germs we all are, and yet ppl bizarrely like physical touching..

Extreme germaphobes are actually quite sane in comparison, they have it right :mjlol:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Extreme germaphobes are actually quite sane in comparison, they have it right :mjlol:
This is next level though, have you ever gotten those small ass flies in your eyes when you're riding around in a bike?


This is next level though, have you ever gotten those small ass flies in your eyes when you're riding around in a bike?
:what:No, that sounds horrible. Gnats?

I've never gotten one in my eye. But damn, that sounds like a job for the eye-licking grandma. She said she doesn't wanna put doctors down or anything, but that she's know her art :deadpeter:


Which kind? You North Americans got some huge ass ones.
Idk what kind but they're the only bugs I feel comfortable killing along with mosquitoes and flies. They're small and bothersome.

Moths and dragon/fireflies are only other smallish flying insects around here I can think of, but I like those and there's no way they're getting in your eye.

Those flies must be super small and swarming in hordes for them to make it into your eye. That sucks.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Nah not they're not in hordes they fly around solo-dolo, they're pretty fucking small and annoying though and once you roll your eye that's gg.
You'll have to depend on your eye to sort it out. Moths are the dickheads of the bug qabiil especially if you have a single light source in the dark.


Nah not they're not in hordes they fly around solo-dolo, they're pretty fucking small and annoying though and once you roll your eye that's gg.
You'll have to depend on your eye to sort it out. Moths are the dickheads of the bug qabiil especially if you have a single light source in the dark.
Geez. The most I've had stuck in my eye is an eyelash I couldn't get to and had to have someone fish out.

Come on, I like moths. They're forgiveable.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Geez. The most I've had stuck in my eye is an eyelash I couldn't get to and had to have someone fish out.

Come on, I like moths. They're forgiveable.
An eyelash?

Moths? Burn'em all, I can't think of anything worse than unintentionally getting poked in the eye.
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