Would you rather be humiliated by an ethnic Somali or by a foreign person?

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Would you feel less angry if Siad Barre or a warlord was white?

Would you prefer an Indian punch you in the face rather than a Somali?

Would you prefer a Chinese dude steal from you? An AA sleep with your family member rather than a skinny?

What are your thoughts?
I dont give two shits. All those who humiliate me are equal in my eye. No shits will be given by somebody (abdi)whether he is somali or a foreign.


If anyone tries shit, I'll have all my boys munch them like a snack, regardless of the person's race. I very rarely fight my own fights.


Southie pride
None of emm. I've a dignity.
I've been working with a company based in Massachusetts I had a straight talk to everyone and say "I came from short temper world I've nothing to loose, so don't anyone try to touch my nerves". Kabacdi weey iga leexden.
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