Xalimo makes a video claiming most Somali woman bleach their skin 100k views and rising


You're dealing with mentally ill larpers who can't cope with being irrelevant, so run around the internet screaming "WE WUZ" slavers.
There was 17 million in east africa sold in slavery, like 25,000 went to somalia in 19th century, and that's it. Why they making it out as if it's our history? We were totally insignificant and worthless. Tiny Dahomey Pagan West African kingdom in Benin captured and sold a bit under 2 million into slavery. One of their military chiefs had 10,000 slaves, lol that is literally 40 % of all slaves that entered somalia in the 19th century.
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As much as I do understand why you lot don’t like the fact that this girl made our ‘ceeb’ public to ajnabis. But your comments truly reflect how ignorant you guys are to the colourism within our community. I am fairly dark and all my life I have been told that it was such a shame that I was dark because it supposedly made my type 2 hair and a long straight nose not ‘strikingly’. I have been called hutu, dhuxul, diigsi madow and much more. That obviously did a number on my self esteem but I never bleached because I knew how dangerous bleaching is. Alot of you guys hate to admit but many somalis have an inferiority complex because they can never be considered a racially ambiguous ethnicity like cape verdeans. Why don’t you lot have the same energy for these tiktok accounts that exclusively post mixed or lightskin somalis and try pass them off as common somali beauty. If anything that is more embarrassing since most ajnabis in cities like London, Toronto and Minneapolis that have a high somali population know damn well that the vast majority of somalis don’t look like. My only complaint about that video is she should have posted it in somali.
As much as I do understand why you lot don’t like the fact that this girl made our ‘ceeb’ public to ajnabis. But your comments truly reflect how ignorant you guys are to the colourism within our community. I am fairly dark and all my life I have been told that it was such a shame that I was dark because it supposedly made my type 2 hair and a long straight nose not ‘strikingly’. I have been called hutu, dhuxul, diigsi madow and much more. That obviously did a number on my self esteem but I never bleached because I knew how dangerous bleaching is. Alot of you guys hate to admit but many somalis have an inferiority complex because they can never be considered a racially ambiguous ethnicity like cape verdeans. Why don’t you lot have the same energy for these tiktok accounts that exclusively post mixed or lightskin somalis and try pass them off as common somali beauty. If anything that is more embarrassing since most ajnabis in cities like London, Toronto and Minneapolis that have a high somali population know damn well that the vast majority of somalis don’t look like. My only complaint about that video is she should have posted it in somali.
Why would we want to be racially ambiguous I’m proud asf to look Somali and I’m brown skin borderline light what I’m supposed to be a minority
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Yeah, I know who you’re talking about. She made a video claiming there was a bleaching epidemic within the Somali community and that most of us look ‘Bantu.’ She said it’s rare for Somalis to have slim noses, lighter skin, or long hair. Pretty ironic how she herself has the features she’s saying we don’t have. 😂



Plotting world domination
Why would we want to be racially ambiguous I’m proud asf to look Somali and I’m brown skin borderline light what I’m supposed to be a minority

Never dealt with somaliphobia but irl is got a lot of shit for being darkskin when I was young. I never wanted to be lightskin because the bullying never made me that insecure though.

Plus I hung around a few south sudos so I always felt comfortable with my skin tone. I'm as dark as the holistic man on tiktok.


Prima Hablood
Yeah, I know who you’re talking about. She made a video claiming there was a bleaching epidemic within the Somali community and that most of us look ‘Bantu.’ She said it’s rare for Somalis to have slim noses, lighter skin, or long hair. Pretty ironic how she herself has the features she’s saying we don’t have. 😂

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Somali beauty appreciation posts always include ethnic Somalis
Why does she come off like a blm support 🤷🏽 ?This topic would have been fine if it's the Somali community, but having discussed in away to browbeat Somali's just to get more followers is lower vibrational thinking and it brings other people weaponize your words towards your community.


i just wanna say all shades, features, sizes and hair textures are beautiful, love all and you will naturally love yourself :)
Someone needs to do a study on the cuqdad dark skin xalimos have for light skin xalimos.

You never hear light skin xalimos talking shit about their dark counterparts but the dark skin ones are constantly taking shots at them.

To the degree, now they're saying light skin diaspora xalimos are bleaching their skin LOL.
These fucking dumb girls think like they are Black American celebrities. The lightskin Somali girl lives in the same damn hood and has the same problems. Wallahi these people are so vain and low iq. You mean to tell me that lightskin or "pretty" privilege is the biggest indicator of success especially for Sonali refugees? One what planet?

I told this one dark girl this and she told me what Beyonce and Kelly Rowland? I swear this girl is idiotic. Does a lightskin nurse get paid more than a dark one? We aren't in modeling or music. And most Somali models are DARK wtf? These are are sick I swear.

Especially in our culture where we Somali men and their families tend to value a girl's character, aqlaq, hijab, family etc. A lighter skin girl who has a bad past cannot just one up a darker girl. So if anything Somali girls have much more even playing field compared to fat vs skinny white girls (fat ones get no play).

I got bullied by darker girls and I swear they are the biggest pick me who give light skin girls a hard time but always chase after lightskin men. f*ck outta here. I can't stand them. I dare them to try to pick on my niece. Completely evil.
Firstly, Bantus are nowhere near 15% of the population, Secondly, they have only been here since the early 1800s, Thirdly, Bantus were in fact treated very well during their enslavement, Italian traveler Luigi Roberto Brichetti who visited Mogadishu in the 1890s mentioned that Somali families treated their bondsmen so well that if slaves were given the option of freedom they would reject it. He mentions Somalis fed their slaves from their own rations and clothed them with their same clothes.

Bantu's had numerous options of procuring freedom some even fought with their masters during battle and if they showed great martial brilliance or tremendous valor they could be granted there freedom. Upon attaining freedom their masters provided them a wife, land, and cattle so they could start their own families of course under the tutelage of their previous masters.

We must also remember that Somali slavery was a civilizing mission, not only was Somalia more technologically advanced than South East Africa it was also superior morally and religiously through the twofold combination of Islam and Somali cultural norms which greatly elevated the Bantus from their formerly debased and pagan way of life.

Why should Somalis be ashamed for not only elevating an inferior people and enriching them mentally, physically, morally, and spiritual but also for doing it in one of the most humane ways possible. Instead of being ashamed of our past with our Bantu brethren we should instead celebrate our ancestors noble pursuit in civilizing a wayward peoples.

All of the information I provided on Somali slavery can be found in Dr. Catherine Bestman's seminal work Unraveling Somalia: Race, Class,and the Legacy of Slavery
Thank you and don't listen to these idiots. These girls are obsessed with Black Americans and rich Black people. They don't give a f about Bantu Somalis.

This one Somali girl said we are racist to Black Americans. I told her most of us just got here as refugees. She used that argument that black ppl can't be racist because they don't have power. So I told than how can Somalis be racist when we have less power than Black Americans??? Insane.

Than I told her if she wanted to make amends she owes that to Somali Bantus than not Black Americans. Lol these ppl are such Black wannabes. And everyone is fed up with Black supremacy.

Now back to the Bantu argument. Everyone had slaves. And East Africans had good relations with Arabs including Ethiopians. When Muslims were persecuted by the violent Arabs, our Prophet (pbuh) told his followers to go to modern day Ethiopia. Than you have Ethiopia (what it's called now) being the 2nd oldest Christian nation and lastly Jews have a lot of love for Ethiopia too. Closet ties as well.

In fact most Scholars often admired E.A and said to leave them alone. Since we were Nomads and tbh our lands are not major attractions (outside of the waters).

Bantus are one of the most successful tribes in Africa and are an expansionist tribe of people. They face discrimination due to competition in the same way all Somali tribes (Midgan, and other smaller tribes) face. There are places where Somali tribes are mistreated. It's all about might and power. Arab Somali tribes don't have much power either where is the outcry? Do I think it's right that they do this? No that's why we ended up in a cursed war over tribes. So we are obviously trying to fix it.

But these blm girls don't care about Bantus they want to be accepted by Madows. And these American Madows have lived with White ppl so long they started acting like them. And I noticed deep down, no one respects someone who doesn't respect themselves and who panders to others. They laugh about this and sadly it's the Somali girls who do this. The guys show it in other ways like wanting to Rap. Byw Gabay and Buranbur>>>> garbage Rap.
I am going to do the courtesy of placing my response in spoiler:

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And injustice is wrong against any tribe of people. There is no evidence to show Bantus were the only enslaved people and a lot of slavery happened through war. There are records of Somali tribes enslaving Ethiopians and vice versa.

This idea that Somalis being mixed with Arabs and enslaving Bantus is historically inaccurate. We have Arab influence through Islam and so do many other places as far as Russia and Spain.

The whole world used to have slavery. This race based slavery is an American phenomena. So do not apply it to the rest of the world. Should we celebrate it? NO but why condemn us when we are suffering from a war and poverty. And if we were so great at enslaving Bantus, then why the hell are poorer than the so called Bantu nations in Africa? Even Ethiopia is poorer than Kenya. Look at Nigeria, Ghana etc.

This is a map of Bantu dominated areas. Now tell me who is the minority when you remove borders? They look successful to me. Please stop the madowization of the mighty Bantu tribe. Everyone is sick of Black AMERICAN Supremacy.

See below:
As much as I do understand why you lot don’t like the fact that this girl made our ‘ceeb’ public to ajnabis. But your comments truly reflect how ignorant you guys are to the colourism within our community. I am fairly dark and all my life I have been told that it was such a shame that I was dark because it supposedly made my type 2 hair and a long straight nose not ‘strikingly’. I have been called hutu, dhuxul, diigsi madow and much more. That obviously did a number on my self esteem but I never bleached because I knew how dangerous bleaching is. Alot of you guys hate to admit but many somalis have an inferiority complex because they can never be considered a racially ambiguous ethnicity like cape verdeans. Why don’t you lot have the same energy for these tiktok accounts that exclusively post mixed or lightskin somalis and try pass them off as common somali beauty. If anything that is more embarrassing since most ajnabis in cities like London, Toronto and Minneapolis that have a high somali population know damn well that the vast majority of somalis don’t look like. My only complaint about that video is she should have posted it in somali.
This is a personal issue and cannot be applied to the entire community. If I get bullied for being overweight does that mean I have to apply it to the whole community? It sounds like you were around awful people. Do you think the West is all accepting when girls are getting surgeries, anorexia and using filters. In Iran they do nose jobs in Korea they do mass surgeries. When you discuss these things you need some perspective.

And lastly pls be careful about Black Supremacist views because you seem to think light skin Somalis aren't even real Somalis. Where do you get that from? Are they not Somali too?

And you sound like you have low self esteem about your own people by saying we have a inferiority complex. It's sounds like you do towards other Black people like the ones you named. Somalis are known to be racially ambiguous and it has nothing to do with our skintone but our features.

How others feel about us is not our problem Allah created us. Have some pride and dignity. Us showing our pride especially when we are down shouldn't offend others because I want that for them too.
Why would we want to be racially ambiguous I’m proud asf to look Somali and I’m brown skin borderline light what I’m supposed to be a minority
Never said you were a minority or that most somalis wanted to be racially ambiguous. But if you have been on somali tiktok long enough you would have noticed that there are SOME somalis that constantly showcase much lighter skinned or biracial somalis as common beauty. Despite the fact that in their comments people will tell that most somalis don't look like that.
Never said you were a minority or that most somalis wanted to be racially ambiguous. But if you have been on somali tiktok long enough you would have noticed that there are SOME somalis that constantly showcase much lighter skinned or biracial somalis as common beauty. Despite the fact that in their comments people will tell that most somalis don't look like that.

@Periplus mentioned this before majority of the time it’s about pr more than anything else with these so called good looking ethnicities .

reality of it all majority of these ethnicity’s that are known for their beauty it all comes down to better pr . Whether it’s Cadaans , arabs or Asian .

every group of people go like this . Majority are average looking , minority ( the most advertised ) are considered attractive than there’s the less desired are another minority and they’re often discarded and not put in forefront

As with Somalis I was raised around people who weren’t big on colourism but you will see it around amongst people . Back home is a different story and we all known how that goes down .

May Allah make your struggles easier for you if this dunya wasn’t a place for trials and tribulations than people Wouldn’t suffer for something they hadn’t caused for themselves. This world was made for us to be tested not for us to enjoy ourselves and seek out our desires that is not related to worshiping Allah . I remind myself this all the time makes me understand everything better and hopefully makes me grow as person
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This is a personal issue and cannot be applied to the entire community. If I get bullied for being overweight does that mean I have to apply it to the whole community? It sounds like you were around awful people. Do you think the West is all accepting when girls are getting surgeries, anorexia and using filters. In Iran they do nose jobs in Korea they do mass surgeries. When you discuss these things you need some perspective.

And lastly pls be careful about Black Supremacist views because you seem to think light skin Somalis aren't even real Somalis. Where do you get that from? Are they not Somali too?

And you sound like you have low self esteem about your own people by saying we have a inferiority complex. It's sounds like you do towards other Black people like the ones you named. Somalis are known to be racially ambiguous and it has nothing to do with our skintone but our features.

How others feel about us is not our problem Allah created us. Have some pride and dignity. Us showing our pride especially when we are down shouldn't offend others because I want that for them too.
By any chance are your parents siblings because how can you even come up with that conclusion? No this is not a personal issue any somali girl who is darker skinned that I have interacted with has dealt with colourism in the past. Now do I understand that Alhamdulilah some girls may not have this experience? Yes, but by branding this as a personal experience you’re downplaying the extent of colourism within our community. Secondly, were did I say other communities are accepting of their own features? I am not mentioning these communities because I don’t belong in them, therefore they don’t affect. The reason I take more of an issue with somalis’ colourism than western is because it hurts more when it comes from own people. And how am I black supremacist by acknowledging the fact that lightskin aren’t the majority? Most somalis are brown & darkskin meaning they should have most of the representation. I am not against lightskins get love, however it becomes a problem when they are become the centre of our beauty & when we don’t fit it we get crap for it. Lastly, somalis aren’t racially ambiguous. Ambiguity means I can’t tell what you are, which isn’t the case with somalis lol. And if you want to talk about pride, save that conversation for somalis who constantly put lightskins/biracials on a pedestal while simultaneously put dark/brownskins down.


Someone needs to do a study on the cuqdad dark skin xalimos have for light skin xalimos.

You never hear light skin xalimos talking shit about their dark counterparts but the dark skin ones are constantly taking shots at them.

To the degree, now they're saying light skin diaspora xalimos are bleaching their skin LOL.
Who is talking about light skins? The woman in the video is referring to women who bleach. Why would a light skin woman bleach? Those who bleach generally are darker, therefore she is speaking about people who are more melanated. :umwhat:
By any chance are your parents siblings because how can you even come up with that conclusion? No this is not a personal issue any somali girl who is darker skinned that I have interacted with has dealt with colourism in the past. Now do I understand that Alhamdulilah some girls may not have this experience? Yes, but by branding this as a personal experience you’re downplaying the extent of colourism within our community. Secondly, were did I say other communities are accepting of their own features? I am not mentioning these communities because I don’t belong in them, therefore they don’t affect. The reason I take more of an issue with somalis’ colourism than western is because it hurts more when it comes from own people. And how am I black supremacist by acknowledging the fact that lightskin aren’t the majority? Most somalis are brown & darkskin meaning they should have most of the representation. I am not against lightskins get love, however it becomes a problem when they are become the centre of our beauty & when we don’t fit it we get crap for it. Lastly, somalis aren’t racially ambiguous. Ambiguity means I can’t tell what you are, which isn’t the case with somalis lol. And if you want to talk about pride, save that conversation for somalis who constantly put lightskins/biracials on a pedestal while simultaneously put dark/brownskins down.
I was not talking about colorism, I was talking about her BULLYING and than claiming that Somali people are terrible.

Btw it's interesting that you can say my parents are siblings and imply that I am either slow as a result and than complain about colorism. So you think it's OK to discriminate someone with a disability which they can't control vs their color?

Like I said knowing their is colorism, weight, ageism etc doesn’t mean you are damned to be bullied or abused in your home. What she described is abuse in HER home and applied it to the whole Somali community. There are plenty of darkskin women who have healthy homes and lives.

You are black supremacist by saying the usual trope that Somalis are wannabe arabs and want to show only light. I've been to Somalia and most ppl are brown, dark and light. It's wrong to say everyone is light versus everyone is dark. You complained about ppl using only lighterskin women (which is wrong) but used that to say we are all darker.

I used other races to support my point. I don't care what you care about. My point is all societies push a certain look when it comes to beauty. America pushes thin, white, attractive and young people. My issue is making it seem like Somali people are so terrible when this done everywhere.

And when you say they show lightskin women where do they do this? On YouTube? And how are you so sure that they creators are even Somali? What I noticed is most Somali models that the West pushes aren't even light. Iman is brown and so is Halima. That's the mid range most Somalis fall into. I've never seen Reer Xamar models that look Arab light, pls show me where?

Somalis look down on interracial marriages and don't even consider Somali biracials Somali. Yet we put them on a pedestal lol? Funny. You don't know much about Somali culture. Make it make sense pls?

I have half Somali relatives who are half white and they get treated badly. Outside of fetishizing light skin (only if it is a woman) they get treated like aliens. Somali Arabs are considered a minority aka .5 tribe with less power than the other tribes. Hawiye have a lot of darkerskinned people and have the most power in Somalia now. I've been there and was born there.

You are brainwashed by black supremacy and use their taking points. They put biracials on a pedestal and every chick who is light even if she is ugly thinks she looks better than a black woman. No sane biracial Somali woman would think she looks better than Iman. Hell Sabrina Elba stood next to Maya and was as confident. You got the wrong community abayo.

Lastly we are ambiguous even when we are dark. We are a minority group in the world. Some even view us as exotic. I've traveled to places where they don't know our look and they can't pinpoint where I was from. Unless you are familiar with Ethiopians, no we aren't common. We aren't like Indians and Chinese ppl or white ppl. You must live where there are a lot of Somalis. They even used to pull our hair when we were kids.
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I was not talking about colorism, I was talking about her BULLYING and than claiming that Somali people are terrible.

Btw it's interesting that you can say my parents are siblings and imply that I am either slow as a result and than complain about colorism. So you think it's OK to discriminate someone with a disability which they can't control vs their color?

Like I said knowing their is colorism, weight, ageism etc doesn’t mean you are damned to be bullied or abused in your home. What she described is abuse in HER home and applied it to the whole Somali community. There are plenty of darkskin women who have healthy homes and lives.

You are black supremacist by saying the usual trope that Somalis are wannabe arabs and want to show only light. I've been to Somalia and most ppl are brown, dark and light. It's wrong to say everyone is light versus everyone is dark. You complained about ppl using only lighterskin women (which is wrong) but used that to say we are all darker.

I used other races to support my point. I don't care what you care about. My point is all societies push a certain look when it comes to beauty. America pushes thin, white, attractive and young people. My issue is making it seem like Somali people are so terrible when this done everywhere.

And when you say they show lightskin women where do they do this? On YouTube? And how are you so sure that they creators are even Somali? What I noticed is most Somali models that the West pushes aren't even light. Iman is brown and so is Halima. That's the mid range most Somalis fall into. I've never seen Reer Xamar models that look Arab light, pls show me where?

Somalis look down on interracial marriages and don't even consider Somali biracials Somali. Yet we put them on a pedestal lol? Funny. You don't know much about Somali culture. Make it make sense pls?

I have half Somali relatives who are half white and they get treated badly. Outside of fetishizing light skin (only if it is a woman) they get treated like aliens. Somali Arabs are considered a minority aka .5 tribe with less power than the other tribes. Hawiye have a lot of darkerskinned people and have the most power in Somalia now. I've been there and was born there.

You are brainwashed by black supremacy and use their taking points. They put biracials on a pedestal and every chick who is light even if she is ugly thinks she looks better than a black woman. No sane biracial Somali woman would think she looks better than Iman. Hell Sabrina Elba stood next to Maya and was as confident. You got the wrong community abayo.

Lastly we are ambiguous even when we are dark. We are a minority group in the world. Some even view us as exotic. I've traveled to places where they don't know our look and they can't pinpoint where I was from. Unless you are familiar with Ethiopians, no we aren't common. We aren't like Indians and Chinese ppl or white ppl. You must live where there are a lot of Somalis. They even used to pull our hair when we were kids.
The reason why I wasn’t focused on your statement on bullying but more so your dismissal of colourism because the analogy you used didn’t fit the context. How can you compare fatphobia to colourism? For most fat people being fat is reversible and the only reason it is frowned upon is because fatness correlates to unhealthiness. Obviously, you shouldn’t harass them for it but encouraging them is better. I don’t even need to explain to you why encouraging skin lightening is alot worse than encouraging weightloss lol. As for my alleged ‘ableist’ comment, being slow doesn’t count as disability. I just mentioned that your comprehension of the English language isn’t that good and perhaps you shouldn’t argue with me. But I can admit that you could be an adult with a fully developed brain, who has their head stuck up their backside and isn’t willing to actually engage in dialogue. And if you actually read my response I clearly acknowledge that not every darkskin somali experience colourism. But if you venture out of you closet sized bedroom and speak to darkskin somalis a sizeable amount will have experience some form of colourism. Secondly, I am not a black supermacist for pointing out some somalis self hatred, being lightskin somali isn’t as common as being brown or dark. Never did I deny that fact that someone can be lightskin and fully somali. As for the arab wannabe (which I haven’t even mentioned lol) somalis mock other somalis who claim arab. Literally who created the ana arab trope it definitely wasn’t the pan africanists. Yes, I do get that alot of people that hate us used this against us, but if there are somalis who do make light jokes about some somalis with arab worship syndrome then maybe there might be some truth to it. And with your point about others communities, if they have issues does that mean we should be comfortable with ours. Does this should we be comfortable with fact that our FGM rates are high, because Afghanistan has alot more problems than we do? As for biracials they only are considered somali if there dad is. You claim that I know nothing about the culture yet you clearly don’t understand qabil and abtiris. However, after watching that video those aunts seem jealous and threatened by her. Never did I ever deny the fetishisation that lightskin women experience, however it is not the topic right now is it? It is like me mentioning men get rap*d when a woman is sharing a SA story. And I find it funny you mentioning Sabrina Elba as your example. Someone who divested from the community and clearly doesn’t share our values. You really think she is an accurate representation of somali women? And even if you used Halima Aden as your example, I never said every somali girl has this issue lol. And lastly you are confusing people not being familiar with us for ambiguity lol. There are billions of chinese and indians whilst only some million of us, of course more people are more familiar with them. As for posts that I speak of they are on tiktok. This the last time I am addressing you lol, I wouldn’t even bother typing up a response.
Cant lie to you guys theres a colourism problem within our community. I dont know what caused this great change to like light skin so much. Whenever I hear older people talk on the phone they say like "Oh this woman is so beautiful and light." And when it comes to a darker women/person "Oh shes very dark." Even when she is pretty.


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