but too many somalis have an extreme food culture. so its normal for someone to complain when they cook alot of food for afur. personally i like a small afur. a big afur gives me the itis.I cook delicious afur everyday for multiple people. Anyone who complains of cooking or cleaning is a lazy piece of shit. It’s disgusting how much complaining Somalis and other Blacks do over simple, everyday tasks.
I cook delicious afur everyday for multiple people. Anyone who complains of cooking or cleaning is a lazy piece of shit. It’s disgusting how much complaining Somalis and other Blacks do over simple, everyday tasks.
but too many somalis have an extreme food culture. so its normal for someone to complain when they cook alot of food for afur. personally i like a small afur. a big afur gives me the itis.
What do you make
We Twins FrI live by myself so my diet consists of ordering fast food or making steak with pasta and rice with chicken on occasion. Ironically I’m a good cook and used to cook a ton of different fancy meals i used to pull all the stops but these days I just don’t have the time or energy to do that. Can’t wait till I get a nice fat raise so I can work less hours when that happens I’ll be cooking gourmet meals daily something different every day. I don’t even eat a lot it’s just that cooking is an actual passion of mine I’m good at it and like to do it.