Xarardhere district has been liberated from Al Shabaab

Is xarardheere town like the meeting place for all the hiraab of galgaduud? I see abgaal and hg both claiming it or is it the district In general ?
Is xarardheere town like the meeting place for all the hiraab of galgaduud? I see abgaal and hg both claiming it or is it the district In general ?
The town itself is majority HG but south of the town is waceysle land. So it is some sort of meeting point you could say. First settlers of the town is a waceysle sub called maxaa cade followed by sacad. Saruur are now a plurality and dominate the district in general.
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El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
After years, my ancestral home is free

Proud Mama Africa GIF by CAF
MashaAllah, we love to see it. My ayeeyo’s hometown is finally free from those losers and their backwards ideology. InshaAllah it stays free 🤲🏾


Waxaa layaab ah in raggii shalay noo sheegayay in degmooyinka iyo deegannada Sh/dhexe ay xoreeyeen Mudullood ayaa maanta raba in ay libinta xoreynta degmada Xarardheere ka weeciyaan Habargidir!.

Hade waa dhul duqeyn inta roob cml loogu daadshay, markii la miino baaray ay gaareen, maantana Xarardheere oo ay dhex taagganyihiin gawaaridii dagaal iyo ciidankii Habargidir ay leeyihiin ciidamo dowladeed ayaa qabtay.

Waa sax ciidamada dowladda, gaar ahaan kuwa Danab qeyb wey ka yihiin dagaallada dalka ka socdo, waa tii aan ogeyn in Masaajid Cali Guduud inta foodda la galin waayay ay iyaga burburiyeen, lkn Xarardheere oo ay Khawaarijta ka carareen markey ka war heleen ciidamada huwanta ah ma mudneyn in laga xaqiro dadkii guusheeda muddada fog duurka ugu jiray.

Dagaallada dib u xoreynta waa dareen shacab oo kacay, oo ay garab ku siinayaan ciidamada xoogga iyo madaxda Qaranka, tabintooda yaan lagu xaqirin libinta shacabkii kacay ee go'aansaday in ay iska xoreeyaan kooxdan arxanka daran.

Cali Aadan Muumin


El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
OG forces capturing middle Jubba and establishing a stronghold on buale inshallah
Facts on the ground is Middle Jubba is majority non-darood, it aint getting liberated without local macawiisley like we have seen in HS and GM. JL aint as homogenous the two states mentioned before.

Without the backing of the locals, it will be a bloody battle and this time drones won’t help because the region has forests which give cover.

Garaad diinle

 
What i like about this is somalis ilaahay ka sokow are liberating their land by their own hand without foreign power on the ground, progress.
Facts on the ground is Middle Jubba is majority non-darood, it aint getting liberated without local macawiisley like we have seen in HS and GM. JL aint as homogenous the two states mentioned before.

macawilsey won’t work in KGS or JL. Those 2 terrains are different from HS or GM where they are flat and sandy.

Middle Juba is majority Ogaden but they are occupied from Jilib. The headquarters of the Shaytan leaders that assembled there.
liberating Jilib is much more important than liberating Ceelbuur
It was smart for Psf to intervene. Harardheere is the bomb factory for Al-Shabab in Mudug region. All the weapons they receive from Yemen goes through that town. All the assassinations taking place in Galkacyo is organized there.


It was smart for Psf to intervene. Harardheere is the bomb factory for Al-Shabab in Mudug region. All the weapons they receive from Yemen goes through that town. All the assassinations taking place in Galkacyo is organized there.
PSF is at Wisil. They haven’t went to the frontline as I’m aware

