Y'all gonna call me "Donkey of the century". Just found out this, can't believe I knew not

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
apparently these eggs that chicken produce is like how human females menstruate monthly.

In other words the eggs we be eating is a female chicken in her period.

Did you also know that these eggs are not inseminated by a rooster and basically are just eggs. Like the eggs a human female disposes every month cause no man introduced his sperm inside her.

What a discovery I've made today.

Let the great insults begin. " menace is an old retarded nacas" :comeon:
You might be right, because couple of months ago i cracked one egg and there was blood inside. 'Swear.



Menace you are knowlegdeable human being of the arts and physiology of the kingdom of animalia. :geek:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
You can't really trust the Chinese. The most disgusting people on earth, and they have very little regard for human life.

Fake eggs, rice made of plastic, mice, dog and cat meat passed on as chicken or beef.

LooL Google 'Gutter oil' that they sell to restaurants. You would never want to eat Chinese food again.
After watching a video about Chinese rice distributors making plastic rice, it made me not eat Asian rice ever again. I used to make sticky rice but not anymore.


i never knew that but know i feel a bit happier knowing i'm not eating a possible baby embryo
@Suki-Ruiko and they sell that to African countries.

LooL there was a Chinese restaurant that got closed here in my city. They failed the county health inspection.

They had the best Chow mein and orange chicken thou. LooL
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