Yasir Qadhi Knowingly Upholds The Traditions Of The Pagans!

Omar del Sur


Before you come with whatever ad hominem attacks or whatever and rather than read whatever is posted below- watch the video. Watch from beginning to end.

You see Yasir Qadhi discuss an issue then you see the scholars discussing the issue. The benefit isn't just "stay away from Yasir Qadhi, he waters down Islam to appease Westerners" but you can see how he discusses the issue versus how the scholars discuss it and it's very informative. You learn from the scholars and you also see the contrast between them and Yasir Qadhi. I already know and many already know that Yasir Qadhi is to be avoided but the video is beneficial even so because of the teaching from the scholars and they show how to refute the doubts cast by Yasir Qadhi in his trying to water down the din. Definitely worth watching.
Brother, I realised a long time ago that it is better to stay away from debating and listening to debates.

Ibn ‘Abd al-Hakam reported: Al-Shafi’i, may Allah have mercy on him, said, “Among the degradation of knowledge is that you debate everyone who debates you, or you argue with everyone who argues with you.”

And he said, “Knowledge is ignorance to the people of ignorance, just as ignorance is ignorance to the people of knowledge.”

Source: Manāqib al-Shāfi’ī lil-Bayhaqī 2/151

عَنْ ابن عبد الحكم قال قال الشافعي رحمه الله من إِذَالَةِ العلم أن تناظر كلَّ من ناظرك وتُقاوِلَ كلَّ من قَاوَلَك

وقال العلم جهل عند أهل الجهل كما أن الجهل جهل عند أهل العلم

2/151 مناقب الشافعي للبيهقي

Omar del Sur

Brother, I realised a long time ago that it is better to stay away from debating and listening to debates.

Ibn ‘Abd al-Hakam reported: Al-Shafi’i, may Allah have mercy on him, said, “Among the degradation of knowledge is that you debate everyone who debates you, or you argue with everyone who argues with you.”

And he said, “Knowledge is ignorance to the people of ignorance, just as ignorance is ignorance to the people of knowledge.”

Source: Manāqib al-Shāfi’ī lil-Bayhaqī 2/151

عَنْ ابن عبد الحكم قال قال الشافعي رحمه الله من إِذَالَةِ العلم أن تناظر كلَّ من ناظرك وتُقاوِلَ كلَّ من قَاوَلَك

وقال العلم جهل عند أهل الجهل كما أن الجهل جهل عند أهل العلم

2/151 مناقب الشافعي للبيهقي

Ibn Abbas debated the khawarij. Debates are not necessarily right or wrong. It depends.

Anyways, the video is not a debate. You see Yasir Qadhi discuss an issue and then they have scholars discuss the issue. It's an informative video.

