so umm... this is what not being a "Wahhabi" is about? supporting degeneracy? caving into the West and being ok with degeneracy because the West orders to be ok with it? changing the religion because the West orders you to change the religion? even if you're one of the anti-"Wahhabi" elements- this is your alternative? how is this not caving to the West?
I really urge people to watch this video. The person that made it has serious guts. the video even calls out the Masons.
being a "Wahhabi": "lgbtlmnop+ is haraam, bro"
Yasir Qadhi (not literally his words but I'm paraphrasing based on what he's actually said)): "well the Wahhabis are just too dumb.... I am so much more intellectually advanced than those dumb Wahhabis. I support homoism 'politically'."
that is being more intellectually advanced that "dumb Wahhabis"? just sticking to what Quran and Sunnah says and not caring what the West thinks is being dumb and deviating from it to please the West is intellectual advancement??
I don't support SPUBS (the source of the paragraph below) but that is basically what Yasir Qadi said
"In a recent interview (see here) Yāsir Qādhi claimed that Salafi Islam is not "intellectually stimulating" enough for his liking and that the "Salafi movement" (Salafiyyah) is "not capable of addressing modern issues.""
so being Salafi, refusing to yield when it comes to what the religion teaches.... according to Yasir Qadi that is being dumb and unintelligent and being smart and sophisticated according to him is being a sellout?
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