Yasir Qadhi || Linda Sarsour || Zaid Shakir & Co Politically Support The Modern Day People of Lut

Omar del Sur


so umm... this is what not being a "Wahhabi" is about? supporting degeneracy? caving into the West and being ok with degeneracy because the West orders to be ok with it? changing the religion because the West orders you to change the religion? even if you're one of the anti-"Wahhabi" elements- this is your alternative? how is this not caving to the West?

I really urge people to watch this video. The person that made it has serious guts. the video even calls out the Masons.

being a "Wahhabi": "lgbtlmnop+ is haraam, bro"
Yasir Qadhi (not literally his words but I'm paraphrasing based on what he's actually said)): "well the Wahhabis are just too dumb.... I am so much more intellectually advanced than those dumb Wahhabis. I support homoism 'politically'."

that is being more intellectually advanced that "dumb Wahhabis"? just sticking to what Quran and Sunnah says and not caring what the West thinks is being dumb and deviating from it to please the West is intellectual advancement??

I don't support SPUBS (the source of the paragraph below) but that is basically what Yasir Qadi said

"In a recent interview (see here) Yāsir Qādhi claimed that Salafi Islam is not "intellectually stimulating" enough for his liking and that the "Salafi movement" (Salafiyyah) is "not capable of addressing modern issues.""

so being Salafi, refusing to yield when it comes to what the religion teaches.... according to Yasir Qadi that is being dumb and unintelligent and being smart and sophisticated according to him is being a sellout?
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Omar del Sur

@Clllam you did the "hmm" emoji... people can do that but I notice there's no actual refutation. anyone who objects- can you clarify the problem here? Supporting lgbt politically is from Quran and Sunnah? I thought otherwise- is that just a "Wahhabi" misinterpretation?

Omar del Sur

btw I actually just learned from this video.... Mehdi Hasan is a Shia.... I did not know that.... he openly confirms it here:

I think you need to stop lying and slandering other Muslims. Yasir Qadhi has never, ever in his entire career supported LGBT and there's no shred of evidence that he supported them, this is a lie that you're spreading. Anyone who's slightly familiar with Yasir Qadhi and does not have a disease in his heart knows he does not support them and has explicitly condemned LGBT numerous times. Yasir Qadhi is right in the sense that Muslims living in secular lands not ruled by the Shariah have to obey the law of the land they live on. Within the American context, LGBT people have the freedom to live as they wish, he does not support them morally but the secular constitution does not give the right to the government to police morality since they have their own standards of law just like Western Muslims have the right to practice their religion and the government does not have any right to interfere in the religious practice of Muslims, whether it's going to the mosque to pray often or wearing the Hijab etc.

Omar del Sur

I think you need to stop lying and slandering other Muslims. Yasir Qadhi has never, ever in his entire career supported LGBT and there's no shred of evidence that he supported them, this is a lie that you're spreading. Anyone who's slightly familiar with Yasir Qadhi and does not have a disease in his heart knows he does not support them and has explicitly condemned LGBT numerous times. Yasir Qadhi is right in the sense that Muslims living in secular lands not ruled by the Shariah have to obey the law of the land they live on. Within the American context, LGBT people have the freedom to live as they wish, he does not support them morally but the secular constitution does not give the right to the government to police morality since they have their own standards of law just like Western Muslims have the right to practice their religion and the government does not have any right to interfere in the religious practice of Muslims, whether it's going to the mosque to pray often or wearing the Hijab etc.

umm he says in the video that he supports them politically. also why exactly should Muslims care about the US constitution? I have no problem listening to US law as long as it doesn't contradict Islam but sovereignty belongs to Allah
umm he says in the video that he supports them politically. also why exactly should Muslims care about the US constitution? I have no problem listening to US law as long as it doesn't contradict Islam but sovereignty belongs to Allah
Nobody cares about LGBT, not even Yasir Qadhi which you tried to deceptively give the misleading impression that he supports it even though he doesn't. Muslims are minorities in Western lands (especially the United States) so if the right of a specific group is restricted or being violated When the secular constitution gives them the right to behave in anyway they want, Muslims should be concerned as well since there's a strong possibility they might infringe on our rights to practice our faith. This is basic pragmatism which is all about weighing the pros and cons.

Yasir Qadhi has explained this here on the thread I posted.

Yasir Qadhi writes:

Thirdly: enforcing Islamic morality and enshrining it in laws. This is to be done by the rightful authorities in a Muslim land. When Muslims live as minorities, obviously they are not obliged to enforce Islamic morality on others. The Muslims of Abyssinia did not go around breaking the wine jars of their neighbors – and in fact they would not be allowed to do so, neither by their local laws nor from the perspective of the Shariʿah. Were some vigilantes to start breaking in to other people’s houses and enforcing Islamic law on wine, it would be appropriate for the Muslim leadership itself to stop such vigilantes and to proclaim, ‘We understand the norms of our broader society and agree that the laws of the land are to be upheld by all.’ It would be grossly inaccurate to understand such a sentiment to be an approval of drinking wine!

Fourthly: cooperating with different groups to achieve a greater good. This is a very subjective area and goes back to the pros and cons of every situation. As well, the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ will be relative to who is assessing them. There can and should be a lot of leeway when it comes to this area, and hence we should understand that different Muslims might have different tactics. For example, in a hypothetical scenario, should Muslims cooperate with pagans and Zionists in an imaginary society to advocate for a better educational system for all of their children? From a purely technical perspective, as long as the goal is permissible and good, and one is not compromising by doing any ḥarām, it would be allowed; however in a real-life scenario, some might find such alliances as politically unwise for other reasons. So be it: live and let live, and allow different groups to have different opinions.


Omar del Sur


here is the clip. he explicitly says he supports them politically. is the video fake? how is it lying or slandering someone to go by their own words? to claim I've lied or slandered him is itself lying and slander. this whole thread and the video in OP which I did not make- are going by Yasir Qadhi's own words.

You don't ever hear Sheikh Uthaymeen, Sheikh Ibn Baz, Sheikh Fawzan, etc.- you don't ever hear them say things like they support them politically. They tell it like it is and they say it with their chest. You have to have serious lawyer type skills to try to spin this as anything other than openly trying to water down the religion to please the West. There is nothing in the dīn about you "support them politically". It is a crime warranting capital punishment. You don't "support them politically"- whether you're in a Muslim country or in the West. The US constitution doesn't supersede the sovereignty of Allah. The entire earth belongs to Allah and He had jurisdiction over every inch of it.

Omar del Sur

Nobody cares about LGBT, not even Yasir Qadhi which you tried to deceptively give the misleading impression that he supports it even though he doesn't. Muslims are minorities in Western lands (especially the United States) so if the right of a specific group is restricted or being violated When the secular constitution gives them the right to behave in anyway they want, Muslims should be concerned as well since there's a strong possibility they might infringe on our rights to practice our faith. This is basic pragmatism which is all about weighing the pros and cons.

wow- you too? firstly, no one has a right to practice zina, drink alcohol or whatever othet such thing- even the government says otherwise. we just can't carry out the hadd at the particular moment.

and no, we have no business aligning ourselves with that crap. what's next? Islamic liquor stores? aligning ourselves with ography and prostitution? aligning ourselves with beastiality?

Omar del Sur

anyways, if Yasir Qadhi doesn't support them politically- he shouldn't go on Al Jazeera and say he does. and if he does and since he did- myself and all the numerous others calling him out have a right to call him out. in fact, it's a good thing to call people like him out. this guy pushes so much deviant stuff, he deserves to be called out and people should be warned against him.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Within the American context, LGBT people have the freedom to live as they wish, he does not support them morally but the secular constitution does not give the right to the government to police morality since they have their own standards of law just like Western Muslims have the right to practice their religion and the government does not have any right to interfere in the religious practice of Muslims, whether it's going to the mosque to pray often or wearing the Hijab etc.

I’ve told them the same thing numerous times but I got takfired lol.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Walahi Bilahi you are a liar and an instigator. Where did Yassir Qadhi say he is pro gay-marriage? He said he has no issue with American views going one direction (i.e being pro gay) and American Muslims going to the other direction (i.e opposing gay marriage). You’re a filthy liar who can’t refute someone without indulging into spreading fake news. You’re a coward who acts strong against fellow Muslims but very submissive towards non Muslims

Omar del Sur

Walahi Bilahi you are a liar and an instigator. Where did Yassir Qadhi say he is pro gay-marriage? He said he has no issue with American views going one direction (i.e being pro gay) and American Muslims going to the other direction (i.e opposing gay marriage). You’re a filthy liar who can’t refute someone without indulging into spreading fake news. You’re a coward who acts strong against fellow Muslims but very submissive towards non Muslims

here is the clip. he explicitly says he supports them politically. is the video fake? how is it lying or slandering someone to go by their own words? to claim I've lied or slandered him is itself lying and slander. this whole thread and the video in OP which I did not make- are going by Yasir Qadhi's own words.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

here is the clip. he explicitly says he supports them politically. is the video fake? how is it lying or slandering someone to go by their own words? to claim I've lied or slandered him is itself lying and slander. this whole thread and the video in OP which I did not make- are going by Yasir Qadhi's own words.

He literally said same sex is immoral, he repeatedly said it’s a sin. He said Islamic rule cannot be changed. You’re a filthy liar.

Omar del Sur

He literally said same sex is immoral, he repeatedly said it’s a sin. He said Islamic rule cannot be changed. You’re a filthy liar.

transcript of the exact words:

Mehdi Hasan: "So you are not opposed to Same Sex Marriage?"
Yasir Qadhi: "Politically, Yes"

so according to his own words, he supports them politically. it is not a lie to go by his own words. supporting them "politically" is not part of Islam.

